There's an unbeatable rock-paper-scissors robot
Thursday, June 28, 2012
I, for one, welcome our new rock-paper-sissors-playing overlords.
Scientists at Ishikawa Oku Laboratory in Japan, have developed a robot hand with three fingers, that's sole purpose is to play rock-paper-scissors with and get beaten by every single time.
Its name is Janken ('rock-paper-scissors' in Japanese) and it uses a high-speed camera to recognize the human hand movement and reacts within 1 milisecond with the defeating move.
Ishikawa Oku Laboratory | via
Scientists at Ishikawa Oku Laboratory in Japan, have developed a robot hand with three fingers, that's sole purpose is to play rock-paper-scissors with and get beaten by every single time.
Its name is Janken ('rock-paper-scissors' in Japanese) and it uses a high-speed camera to recognize the human hand movement and reacts within 1 milisecond with the defeating move.
Ishikawa Oku Laboratory | via
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