Before they were famous

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Young Ben Stiller before he was famous yearbook picture

More young celebrities
Young Matt Damon yearbook picture
Matt Damon

Young Harrison Ford as a boy
Young Harrison Ford before he was famous yearbook picture
Harrison Ford

Young Jack Nicholson yearbook picture
Jack Nicholson

Young Renne Zellweger before she was famous yearbook picture
Renée Zellweger

Young Avril Levigne yearbook picture
Avril Levigne

Young Snoop Dogg before he was famous yearbook picture
Snoop Dogg

Young Ben Stiller before he was famous yearbook picture
Ben Stiller

Young Barbara Streisand before she was famous yearbook picture
Barbara Streisand

Young Dolly Parton yearbook picture
Dolly Parton

Young Cameron Diaz before she was famous yearbook picture
Cameron Diaz

Young Cher yearbook picture

Young Jon Bon Jovi before he was famous yearbook picture
Jon Bon Jovi

George Clooney as a kid
Young George Clooney before he was famous yearbook picture
George Clooney

Young Halle Berry before she was famous yearbook picture
Halle Berry

Young Tery Hatcher yearbook picture
Teri Hatcher

Young Hugh Hefner yearbook picture
Hugh Hefner

Young Steven Tyler before he was famous yearbook picture
Steven Tyler

Young Jennifer Love-Hewitt before she was famous yearbook picture
Jennifer Love-Hewitt

Young Oprah Winfrey before she was famous yearbook picture
Oprah Winfrey

Young Richard Gere yearbook picture
Richard Gere

Young Robin Williams before he was famous yearbook picture
Robin Williams

Young Will Smith yearbook picture
Will Smith

Young Charlize Theron before she was famous yearbook picture
Charlize Theron

Young Bruce Willis before he was famous yearbook picture
Bruce Willis

Young Whitney Huston yearbook picture
Whitney Houston

Young Marylin Manson before he was famous yearbook picture
Marylin Manson

Young Michael Stipe before he was famous yearbook picture
Michael Stipe (R.E.M.)

Young Bruce Springsteen before he was famous Yearbook picture
Bruce Springsteen

Young David Hasselhoff before he was famous Yearbook picture
David Hasselhoff

Young Roseane Barr before she was famous Yearbook picture
Roseanne Barr

Young Michelle Pfeiffer before she was famous Yearbook picture
Michelle Pfeiffer

Young Julia Roberts Yearbook picture
Julia Roberts

Young Larry David before he was famous Yearbook picture
Larry David

Young Louis CK before he was famous yearbook picture
Louis C.K.

Young Megan Fox before she was famous Yearbook picture
Megan Fox

Young Jennifer Lopez as a girl
Jennifer Lopez

Young Fergie before she was famous Yearbook picture

Young Tara Reid before she was famous yearbook picture
Tara Reid

Young Jennifer Garner before she was famous yearbook picture
Jennifer Garner

Young Eva Longoria before she was famous yearbook picture
Eva Longoria

Young Shia LaBeouf before he was famous yearbook picture
Shia LaBeouf

Young Michael Cera before he was famous yearbook picture
Michael Cera

Young Steve Jobs long hair yearbook picture
Steve Jobs

Young Sean Connery before he was famous sailor yearbook picture
Sean Connery

Young Ellen DeGeneres before she was famous yearbook picture
Ellen DeGeneres

Young Geena Davis before she was famous yearbook picture
Geena Davis

Young Robert Downey jr yearbook picture
Robert Downey, jr.

Young Kim Basinger before she was famous yearbook picture
Kim Basinger

Young Heather Graham before she was famous yearbook picture
Heather Graham

Young Uma Thurman before she was famous yearbook picture
Uma Thurman

Young Tina Fey before she was famous yearbook picture
Tina Fey

Young Amy Poehler before she was famous yearbook picture
Amy Poehler

Young Jamie Foxx before he was famous
Jamie Foxx

Young Sarah Palin yearbook picture
Sarah Palin

Young David Schiwmer before he was famous yearbook picture
David Schwimmer

Young Kevin Costner before he was famous yearbook picture
Kevin Costner

Young Puff Daddy yearbook before he was famous picture

Young Flea before he was famous yearbook picture
Flea (Red Hot Chili Peppers)

Young George Michael as a child yearbook picture
George Michael

Young Russel Brand yearbook picture
Russell Brand

Young David Beckham before he was famous as a kid child
David Beckham

Young Milla Jovovich yearbook picture
Milla Jovovich

Young Gwen Stefani before she was famous yearbook picture
Gwen Stefani

Young Katie Holmes before she was famous yearbook picture
Katie Holmes

Young Lady Gaga before cheerleader before she was famous yearbook picture
Lady Gaga

Young Sharon Stone before she was famous yearbook picture
Sharon Stone

Young Pamela Anderson before she was famous  yearbook picture
Pamela Anderson

Young Leonardo di Caprio as a kid yearbook picture
Leonardo di Caprio

Young Kurt Cobain yearbook before he was famous picture
Kurt Cobain

Young Brad Pitt before he was famous yearbook picture
Brad Pitt

Young Matthew McConaughey before he was famous yearbook picture
Matthew McConaughey

Young Kanye West before he was famous yearbook picture
Kanye West

Young 50 Cent graduation yearbook picture

Young Demi Moore before she was famous yearbook picture
Demi Moore

Young Gary Sinise before he was famous yearbook picture
Gary Sinise

Young Alec Baldwin before he was famous yearbook picture
Alec Baldwin

Young Elton John as a boy
Elton John

Young Billy Bob Thornton before he was famous yearbook picture
Billy Bob Thornton

Young Bill Murray before he was famous yearbook picture
Bill Murray

Young Danny DeVito before he was famous
Danny DeVito

Young Jay Leno before he was famous yearbook picture
Jay Leno

Young Joe Mantegna before he was famous yearbook picture
Joe Mantegna

Young Meg Ryan before she was famous yearbook picture
Meg Ryan

Young Matt LeBlanc before he was famous yearbook picture
Matt LeBlanc

Young Dita Von Teese yearbook picture
Dita Von Teese

Young Hulk Hogan before he was famous yearbook picture
Hulk Hogan

Young Jenny McCarthy yearbook picture
Jenny McCarthy

Young Jeremy Piven before he was famous yearbook picture
Jeremy Piven

Young Vince Vaughn before he was famous yearbook picture
Vince Vaughn

Young Paul Rudd before he was famous yearbook picture
Paul Rudd

Young Russell Crowe as a kid yearbook picture
Russell Crowe

Young Alice Cooper holding a puppy picture
Young Alice Cooper before he was famous yearbook picture
Alice Cooper

Young Denzel Washington before he was famous yearbook picture
Denzel Washington

Young Elvis Presley as a kid
Elvis Presley

Young Hugh Grant as a kid
Hugh Grant

Young Iggy Pop short hair before he was famous yearbook picture
Iggy Pop

Young Fred Durst before he was famous yearbook picture
Fred Durst

Young Robbie Williams as a kid yearbook picture
Robbie Williams

Young Paris Hilton little girl
Paris Hilton

Young Denise Richards little girl
Denise Richards

Young Kristen Stewart before she was famous yearbook picture
Kristen Stewart

Young Lil Jon yearbook before he was famous picture
Lil Jon

Young Ryan Seacrest before he was famous yearbook picture
Ryan Seacrest

Young John Mayer before he was famous yearbook picture
John Mayer

Young Prince before he was famous yearbook picture

Young Ron Jeremy before he was famous yearbook picture
Ron Jeremy

Young Jake Gyllenhaal as a kid yearbook picture
Jake Gyllenhaal

Young James Gandolfini before he was famous yearbook picture
James Gandolfini

Young Bernie Mac yearbook picture
Bernie Mac

Young Owen Wilson before he was famous yearbook picture
Owen Wilson

Young Kate Beckinsale as a girl
Kate Beckinsale

Young Kate Gosselin before she was famous yearbook picture
Kate Gosselin

Young Kesha 9th grade yearbook picture

Young Kelly Brook yearbook picture
Kelly Brook

Young Hillary Swank before she was famous yearbook picture
Hillary Swank

Young Neve Campbell before she was famous yearbook picture
Neve Campbell
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323 comentarii:

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Anonymous said...

phunny stuph

Anonymous said...

Why are most pictures in black and white? They arn't that old... hoax I say!

070 said...


Charlize Theron had a complete make over :O
And Snoop stays my main G! ;)

BitterSweet said...

most of them are still young. so pics must be colourfull.. wtf?

Anonymous said...

I think most of them are taken from high school year books, in which the student photos are usually in black and white.

cboost said...

Halle Berry and Jennifer Love Hewitt got awesome nose-jobs.

The Best Emulators for Nintendo DS said...

Impressive Cameron Diaz :-)

Anonymous said...

Ha! I always knew that Avril was a secret geek! She's too talented to have been a high school slutie

Anonymous said...

wowooowwwww they r so different but so alike.

Frida said...

Will Smith has not changed a bit!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Robin Williams looked like George McFly! lol!!

hyunho said...

ben stiller is a frizz head

Anonymous said...

milla jovovich look different and
gwen stefani looks so pretty and sweet;}

Anonymous said...

my high school pictures weren't in color until 2004, so I'm not surprised these pictures are still black and white.

Anonymous said...

halle berry has asian eyes as a youngster
pamela is unrecognisable, she totally different, also demi

Anonymous said...

Back when Katie was a free thinking human and not a Scilon

Anonymous said...

ughh i love him. but back them not so much. thank god he got infinate time better. <3

Anonymous said...

you knew him back then?

Basma said...

I swear I thought the George Clooney picture was Dennis Quaid instead.

Does anyone else think so?

Unknown said...

Leo is soooo hunkin' cute!!
Wish i waz there LOL

Anonymous said...

jennifer love hewitt always awesome !

Anonymous said...

pamela ? i think she's beautifull on this poto better than now

Anonymous said...

wow will, look at those ears!! love it!

Anonymous said...

I don't think that's Jennifer Love-Hewitt. I remember her on TV when she was 13 or so, and she looked pretty much like she does now.
check this pic:

Anonymous said...

SHOPPED !!!!!!


Sharon Stone is the one that was very preetty, before the fame.

It's funny see the great actors when young "childreen".

We all change!!

Congratulations to the page authors.

I'm writing from Portugal. Sorry my english that I learned 45 years ago!!

Will Smith said...

Fukin A! I always looked good!

Big Willy.

Anonymous said...

Richard Gere, I thought that was Josh heartnet.

Anonymous said...

Ryan Seacrest surprised me the most!

Anonymous said...

ale jaja hehehe :)))) niektóre zdjęcia wymiatają!!! :))))))

Anonymous said...

ryan seacrest is an impressive change :s

Anonymous said...

i laughed when i saw ryan seacrest and ron jeremy

Anonymous said...

I couldn't believe the Elvis picture. To think such a cute kid became a 20th century Icon, unbelievable.

Dave said...

Amazing, how people can change.

Anonymous said...

awwwwww harrison ford is too adorable and super sexy when he gets older but now thats hes in his 60's nots so hot but still handsome in old grampa kinda way :D in his younger days hed b my bitch!

Toni said...

These were great! Oh, Barbra Streisand's name is spelled incorrectly.

Bongs For Sale said...

Hahaha these pictures are great! My oh my how have they changed!

Anonymous said...

I don't think that's Prince, I've seen younger pics of him

Anonymous said...

What about Larry David??!! That's messed up

Anonymous said...

oh lil jon was freakin adorable.

Anonymous said...

Hi there - need to know if KURT COBAIN picture is a real one. Thks to let me know where you get it from. Era.

Rexfordc said...

does Dita Von Teese have super stretched ears in her photo or am I trippin'?

Anonymous said...

that was great..ryan secrest changed for the better

Anonymous said...

is dat ryan seacrest?????.....omg he luks sooo different!!!

Phil at Thavage said...

That's just precious seen Ryan Seacrest all fat the dumpy.

Anonymous said...

demi is kind a look like ashton...

Anonymous said...

is that really lil jon? wow looks like urkel! and he looks better then then he does now

Melih said...

Thanks for the information into the hands of my health ...

Anonymous said...

Snoop is so cute !

Beccy said...

Lil John was a dweeeeb! lmao

western australia flower said...

After graduating from Dunwoody High School, Seacrest went on to attend the University of Georgia in the fall of 1993. There, he would host his first radio show at a local Athens station. Seacrest left UGA at age 19 and moved to Hollywood to continue his broadcasting career.

Anonymous said...

whoooooo!! I got drunk and tried crack for the first time tonight. I gotta say, I see where my life is heading! Long live the craaccck!!!

Anonymous said...

some of these photos are definitely not the person they claim to be.

John said...

Well, maybe they were funny years ago, but now ....

ADMIN said...

What about people who ARE famous but can still look horrible?

Anonymous said...

Who are these people? I think I've heard of maybe 5......

Roor Bongs For Sale said...

Robbie Williams does not look like Robbie Williams lol

Anonymous said...

Lol Ryan Seacrest looks like Matt Damon from The Informant

Anonymous said...

what is this i dont get it email me back at [email protected]

Anonymous said...

Prince looks so... manly, its strange....

Mike said...

This pictures are excellent. It sheds light on these famous people to see them in their formative years. Nice collection.

Marc said...

Prince is,, was BLACK?!

Larry David with all that hair, lol

celebs are too different said...

as far as i remember leo is inoccent at that time but he was arrested at toronto. i felt quite sorry for him he was my true love..... or was i dreaming anyway he's not. he's looks different from now thats sooo not the leo i remember. :D

Anonymous said...


He's so cute:)

Unknown said...

A couple of those look very photoshopped. Especially the Steven Tyler and Opera Winfrey ones. O_o

Anonymous said...

What??!! Charlize still the same.

Catdunas said...

Yeah. Charlize "yesterday" looks like Charlize "Today"...

Anonymous said...

WOWWWWWWWWWW! Ryan Seacrest looks SO different..HOLY

John said...

Hehe funny faces .... and ooops out of nowhere they are famous faces. That's life.

Anonymous said...

OMG Matt Damon is adorable!! I LOVE HIM!!!

Anonymous said...

Lil Jon?!!?!?!?!?!?!!!!?!!?

Anonymous said...

I actually lol'd at Hulk Hogan.

Anonymous said...

wow...LEO looks the same as when he was a kid.....the same eyes and the same smile.cutee..

Anonymous said...

Even back then, Kurt Cobain had the butter won't melt smile!

Anonymous said...

That looks NOTHING like Prince

Anonymous said...

oh my god Gwen Stefani looks so pretty and harrison ford looks so cute wait a minute were is johnny depp's pic

Anonymous said...

Wow. That's really crazy, i mean, most of them didn't look that great as a kid or teenie!

Anonymous said...

OMG !!!!!! Larry David does not look like that guy at all.I thought it was Jason Alexanders' yearbook

Matt Damon,Leonardo Dicaprio,and Will Smith still look similar,IMO esp.Smith.He does not age.

LOL at Ron Jeremy.HA Sweet Ben Stiller afro,too.

Eugenia said...

Robbie is very cute...

Anonymous said...

Wow, Cobain looked good even in his youth. The guy seemed to have it all. Looks, smarts, personality, he seemed to have the perfect balance. Where did it all go wrong?

Anonymous said...

my 3rd grade yearbook was all in black and was printed in 2000. some schools don't feel like paying for color pictures. and some of those color ones may be like portraits provided by family members.

Anonymous said...

no wonder ron jeremy got into porn.. he obviosly never got laid!

Anonymous said...

Dayum, Megan Fox was hot even then. Kinda sucks to think that if I went to H.S. with her, she'd totally ignore me. Oh well

Anonymous said...

Hugh Hefner - I have that exact yearbook - 1944, Steinmetz High School in Chicago. My dad was in the same class! Hef was a big cartoonist, and the yearbook is filled with a lot of his cartoons. Yes, even in Senior Year, his nickname next to his picture was "Hef."

Incredibowl i420 said...

Some of these images makes me laugh!

Anonymous said...

i beieved this all [ryan seacrest was my favourite] then i got to kesha..... are you kidding me? amazing if its real, but i kinda agree with lots of these guys.. shes not that old so black and white photos seem a bit extreme

Anonymous said...

cobain makes me wanna take him inside and make him a snack!!

Yo ARKiV said...

"Anonymous said...

Wow, Cobain looked good even in his youth. The guy seemed to have it all. Looks, smarts, personality, he seemed to have the perfect balance. Where did it all go wrong?
September 30, 2010 6:05 PM "

One word. Heroin.

Anonymous said...

The 2nd picture of "Tara Reid" is actually Jennifer Garner

biotv said...

Yea thanks. Fixed:P

Anonymous said...

well as many have pointed out some pictures look too old to be true but some look convincing i guess for those actors whose old photos were not available fake ones have been substituted,young Richard Gere looks like josh hartnett.

Anonymous said...

the pictures are all year book pictures/school pictures.
and I was born in 91 and all of my year book pictures have been in black and white.
So the pictures are most likely real, plus not all of them look bad!
and lol at ke$ha picture XD

Anonymous said...

LoL Poor Ke$ha!

Anonymous said...

Calm down people!!!! Sheeesh!!!

Anonymous said...

Timothy Michael Johnson! do you agree?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ke$ha blew everyone's minds at her high school reunion. No shit.

Anonymous said...

One day I was making love to Ryan Seacrest and his poofy hair got in the way in the Worst way! TMJ, don't you agree, you remember don't you?

Anonymous said...

OMG avril lavigne looks soooo stupid
I even found some more pictures of her in high school and she looked terrible

Anonymous said...

These pics are cool. bloggers, please relax. no need to get so abrasive. imagine these people are related to you. wonder if you would speak with the same negativity then? think about it

Anonymous said...

renee zelleweger?? either she's gotten realllly bad looking over the years or that is not her... and ke$ha was FAT :O wowza :P

Jonathan said...

Ryan Seacrest was the cutest little lesbian.

Anonymous said...

so funny...
Ryan Seacrest looks so different then than now...

krenee said...

10:07 AM
Wow being blessed with full lips means you're automatically a slut? Looks like someone has bitter thinners.

Anonymous said...

50 cent's picture cracks me up. that must've been the day he graduated from the streets.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Jeremy Pivien and Ryan secrest both did not look good then but I bet women are eating their hats now

Anonymous said...

Avril lavigne is the worst. if her name wasn't underneath the picture no one would ever know who it was. ;)

Anonymous said...

That makes me feel like i have a chance of growing up and being pretty.

Anonymous said...

This was a fun blast from the past! I ran down the list slowly, trying to guess who they were. Got a few, missed a lot more. The two that fried me were the baby pics of Clooney and Gyllenhaal -- they growed up good! And someone above was right -- Will Smith hasn't changed a bit!

Anonymous said...

People: if the picture was taken directly from a school's yearbook, it usually is black and white!!!! Too expensive to print all regular students in color.... :D

Anonymous said...

wow... Ke$ha looked like a guy

Anonymous said...

OMG. look at the soup coolers on Lil Jon.

Anonymous said...

Sarah palin and tina fey looked alike even back then! hahahaha

Anonymous said...

OMFG! I never knew!!! Some of them are just so plain, omg at megan fox!

Anonymous said...

Lol I swear i thought Ke$ha was a boy !!

Anonymous said...

Leo DiCaprio is sooooo cute!(EVEN BACK THEN)
Alec Baldwin looks good then 2

paul 1985 said...

recognised jay leno with the chin thing going on

Asslicker said...

My poopoo comes out like an ice cream.

Anonymous said...

omg kesha....

Anonymous said...

My gosh Michelle Pfeiffer was & is still beautiful! Sharon Stone has got nothing on Catwoman!!

Ryan Seacrest was the ugly fat kid who was picked on growing up and he became famous and turned into a dick because of his childhood

Anonymous said...

Ke$sha was smack as hell.

Anonymous said...

Why does Denzel look exactly the same?? lol very entertaining though everyone's pics are interesting

Anonymous said...

lol omg
Did someone actually say that Avril was talented?

Anonymous said...

George Clooney and Matt Damon were so cute!

Anonymous said...

Of course Kesha was going to look awful as a kid..She looks awful now.

Anonymous said...

jeremy piven was brown? i never knew that.

Anonymous said...

i don't care if this sounds racist but lil john's lips are enormous. i hope they are swollen and that isn't their normal

Anonymous said...

omg this is so cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Prince is completely totally different, even his skin color.

Anonymous said...

geez!!those plastic surgeons sure are talented!!there are only a few naturally attractive ppl..

Anonymous said...

OMG.....George Cloony XD

Anonymous said...

Oh, man! charlize theron must be the most beautiful geek chick ever XD
these photos are so cool!

Anonymous said...

omg kesha was so ugly ! -__-

Glass on Glass Percolator said...

Hahaha look at Avril Lavigne, holy dam has she changed!

Anonymous said...

i believe most of them did have some surgery on their faces, especially the "nose"...

Anonymous said...

A333333 leooooooo :D I Love Youuuu <3

Anonymous said...

You do realize that everyone's nose looks different when they're kids (but with the pictures of people in their teens I can see what you mean). You're facial features always look different as a child, you grow into them as you get older. Plus, the tip of your nose and your ear lobes constantly grow throughout your life.

Anonymous said...

Kesha is completley unrecognizable, i cant belive it
I always knew ryan seacrest was all about plastic. He was horrible!! poor men!!

Mrs. Zeggers :) said...

hahah noone said one word about russel brand like for real he was fat and ryan seacrest was uuuggglllyyy!!!! but the worst is still kate gosselin her outside sure does match her insides lol

Anonymous said...

lol ryan seacrest and russel brand were fat... :D

Anonymous said...

Pam Anderson went to highschool with my dad, and thats what she looked like when he knew her! I go to the same highschool now and her picture is still in the hallway

Anonymous said...

KE$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$AhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHhhHhHHhHhHHhHhhHhHHhHhhhHHH OMG

Anonymous said...

leonardo di caprio
how cute he is....

Anonymous said...

Obviously because most year books ARE IN B/W DIMWITS!

Anonymous said...

Hulk Hogan: "Whatcha gonna do when my blonde fu-manchu grows wild on you!"

Anonymous said...

some of this doesn't make sense. photoshop?
why do some pictures which have to be around 1990 look like 1955? grainy, black and white, etc.
why does charlize theron wear glasses with no lenses? is this a pic from when she was modelling glasses?
a few of these pics look like acting portfolio pics.
some girls had their teeth redone (>10K$) before they were 18, i guess that's possible, but I would wait until my jaw stops growing.
bruce willis, doesn't look real, looks like a face was pasted into someone else's head.

Anonymous said...

Damn! I did not recognize russell brand and ryan seacrest. haha. Awesome job, thanks man

Lego Ninjago Fire Temple said...

Wow some of these are just crazy looking! Makes me laugh :)

Anonymous said...

year book photos are usually black and white... schools can't always afford colour ink! you see year book photos from the 2000s in black and white

Anonymous said...

Avril Levigne looks way different now! I love the photo of Michelle Pfiffer.

Anonymous said...

Thought Kristin Stewart was a dude... not gonna lie. And holy crap to lil john's lips lol

Anonymous said...

all those who think Richard Gere looks like josh harnett must need a serious eye examination!!!! If i were you guys i would take another strong hard look at josh again lol xx nice site though!!

Anonymous said...

They all look so young! Avril Lavigne looks extremely different and Ke$ha has changed her image a lot! x

Anonymous said...

Leonardo DiCaprio looks so different! He was so fit in Titanic but now he's changed...but he is still an AMAZING actor and nobody can deny that, especially his role in Inception! x

Anonymous said...

George Michael??? more like Demi Lovato!!!!

Anonymous said...

lol dayuum look at ke$ha when she was younger.. but look at her now

Anonymous said...

WTF ? KE$ha ?
It also seems that A LOT of them had a surgery ...

Anonymous said...

leo still looks the same!! so cute!! :)

Deanna said...

Aw! Little Leo!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

denise richards pre boob job... im guessing.

Anonymous said...

KURT COBAIN is the most hottest before i was famous person everrrr i love him so so much

Sara said...

Cute little leo!

MOXY said...


Anonymous said...

Oh! Leo looks sooo sweet! I would have sereously considered asking him out back then! And Kristen Stewart looks soooo pretty! And Kesha does not look like Kesha.... wow

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

David Schwimmer and Matt Le Blanc had CRAZY hair!! But they were SO funny in Friends!! :)

Anonymous said...

I <3 you Leo!

Anonymous said...

Gosh! I can't beleive how much celebs change. I regonized Ke$ha. Haha none of you regonized her but i did! The one that really surprised me was Elvis. Since when did he have blond hair?

Anonymous said...

P.S to my last comment
Kristen Stewart did not look like a dude. Just picture her with longer hair.

Anonymous said...

O!M!G! Will Smith was hot even then! He hasn't changed a bit! You know. His daughter is a really sucky singer. She isn't really any good. She's really just a F.F.B.F. (Famous For Being Famous) who's famous cuz her dad's famous.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lil john........loooooooooooooooooooool (almost pissing myself)

Anonymous said...

hi my name is jesse stiles. i am a aspiring musician. If any celebs are reading this and want to help a gil relize her dream, leave a comment for me on the website. I come on here daily

Anonymous said...

Awesum pics. I had 2 of my frends try and guess who each of them were, frend 1 guessed about half of them rite, frend 2 guessed only 3 rite! Lol! I guessed only 11 rite. :!

Anonymous said...

WTF!!!!!!! Ke$ha? Lil Jon? Ben Stiller? Steven Tyler? No way. Total fakes. No doubt about it. Complete photoshops. The one with steven tyler looks like they took his face a pasted it on a geeks body! Ke$ha looks like a dude! LOL :D

san diego criminal lawyer said...

Great post, thank for share! I will return this blog to read more useful posts. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

To Anyone Listening: Severly bored. Need outside communication. Suck on a boat for next 3 weeks. Need communication

Anonymous said...

Sup, stranded guy/gal

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pretty crappy photos, but that's what you get when you steal other people's stuff by copying.

Anonymous said...

whoever made that comment saying "wassup stranded guy/gal",I'm off the boat now. parents told me after i got on the boat that this had to be a family vayk, so no internet, phones or mail. total bordem. i'm glad someone responded to it anyway. my names Jesse. if you get back on again, post a comment for me. peace.

spikey900 said...

some look the same and some don't

Anonymous said...

Aaaaaaaww,Robert <3

Anonymous said...

WOW what the hell happened to steven tyler he looks like he had an ancient botox for kids or had alot of drugs YEIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Anonymous said...

WTF!!!!wtf is avril had done to her she lokked like a total dork guess that she had ALOT of plasitc surgery of boob jobs SOMETHING avril if you r on here GIVE ME UR SECRET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

WTF happend to elvis since when did he have blond hair .avril looks like a book worm.renee looks like a super model what happened to her.camron diaz looks like she never changed.WTF did everyone do to them selfs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hi im back i reilized that there is nothing wrong with blondies im a blondie but on elvis really

Anonymous said...

It's jesse again. the "stranded girl". what's your name anyway? I'm from texas. man i am so bored. I'm stuck watching my niece who's only a year younger than me and she's locked herself in her room. i guess i should be greatful for that. she's a total bitch to me. post soon. peace. ;)

increase web traffic free said...

I see some people, but who are they? Famous person?????

Anonymous said...

Ellen DeGeneres was kinda cute back then... bright blue eyes and blond hair

Anonymous said...

puta mare soy el uniko latinio hahahahh kesha es una mierda

Anonymous said...

Thanks page authors! This was great!

Anonymous said...

anyone on here ?

Anonymous said...

WOW! Whitney Houston was very pretty back then. Who knew that Halle Berry would have goten the perfect nose job.

Anonymous said...

That is Prince

Anonymous said...

So thats what Ryan Seacrest looked like as a child...

Anonymous said...

WTF KE$HA!!!! hahahahahhahaa she was really ugly!!!!! hahahaha

Anonymous said...


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