Obama chicken fingers

Monday, March 16, 2009

Yum. Tender, Juicy Obama Fingers Hit the Shelves:
Many sales executives have drawn the same conclusion: What better poster child for hope than US President Barack Obama? There are Obama dolls, Obama T-shirts, Obama soap-on-a-rope. There is even Obama thong underwear on offer.

Not wanting to miss the boat, a German food company has now gotten into the act. Sprehe, a company that has all manner of frozen delicacies on offer, has come up with a new product it calls "Obama Fingers." Far from being real digits, though, the "fingers" in question are "tender, juicy pieces of chicken breast, coated and fried," as the product packaging claims.
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1 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

Those can't be Obama's finger, they're obviously white meat....

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