Learn German

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Thanks Reea
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14 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

It's not German. possibly Dutch

Unknown said...

It is German you moron.

Anonymous said...

This is in all Loney Planet Phrase books, from French to Spanish to Japanese.

Anonymous said...

I think he misunderstood the pronounciation on the right for Dutch. It is German and it is funny. Long live international f***ing!

Anonymous said...

A couple of expressions are missing (important):
Eng:"You want it, too, don´t You ?"
Ger:"Du willst es doch auch."
Pronouce: "Doo villst az dokh aukh"
Eng:"Listen, How old are you, anyway?"
Ger:"Sag mal, wie ald bist Du eigentlich."
Pronouce: "Sug muhl, vee ahld beest Dooh eye-gant-likh ?"
Eng:"Who´s Your Daddy ?"
Ger:"Who´s Your Daddy ?"
(we don´t use this expression in Germany)
Eng:"What? That was all?"
Ger:"Häh? Wars das schon?"
Pronouce: "Ha ? Wahrrz dahzz shoan ?"

Anonymous said...

I own this book. I didn't use it once as an exchange student in Germany.

j.j.: Is that Berliner pronunciation?

Anonymous said...

picklegnome: more like bavarian, bayerisch.

Anonymous said...

I am disappointed that none of these phrases reference The Hoff...

Anonymous said...

Eng: "You like the Hoff?"
Ger: "Mögen Sie den Hoff?"

Anonymous said...

I have seen the educational videos for this.

Anonymous said...

Could anyone tell me which book this is ? I want to buy it. Wh're going to Berlin tomorrow and we don't know a word of german, but this seems like a good start....

Anonymous said...

its normal german "Hochdeutsch", not any dialect. Bavarian is a lot harder to speak AND to understand, even for a german native speaker (which i am).

i still find it very funny, could someone please post the title of the book?

Anonymous said...

Haha, great picture. I found this was the problem I had when I decided to learn german and no-one else in my family knowing it. When I went round to my sisters house her kids would generally ask me to translate a few naughty words for them, not that I thought they should know such words in english, let alone german!

Apparently it gained them more respect at school by swearing at teachers in german, or so they thought. It was going fine until the day they “swore” at the german teacher by accident and he started laughing at them. Being the cruel uncle I am, I’d been translating naughty phrases into ones such as I’m an idiot and you know it. which they’d been saying to teachers!

Serves them right for abusing my skills hehe =)

Anonymous said...

Where can you by this book? I just need to have it!

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