All 290 Star Wars movies in production
Monday, February 19, 2018
The Hard Times has put out a list of all the Star Wars movies that are currently in production at Disney:
1. Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)View the rest of the list
2. Episode 9 (2019)
3. Obi Wan Prequel (2020)
4. Beru: The Story of Young Aunt Beru (2021)
5. Jar Jar’s Dad: The Untold Story of Mor Mor Binks (2022)
6. Nute Gunray: A Star Wars Story (2023)
7. Gonk: The Musical (2024)
8. Sy Snootles: A Snar Wars Sntory (2025)
9. The Death Stick Diaries (2026)
10. Untitled Wes Anderson Star Wars Starring Owen Wilson (2027)
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