Why you shouldn't shine laser pointers at police helicopters
Monday, October 27, 2014
Footage from a National Police Air Service helicopter flying over Kitts Green, in Birmingham, England, shows a a laser pointer being shone at the cockpit by somebody from a party at a house's backyard on the ground.
As the green light bounced through the cabin, the team used powerful thermal imaging cameras to locate the laser source homing in on a group laughing and toasting the laser attack with fellow drinkers.
The laser attack took place on 31 July 2014 and Chris Vowles from Highfield Road in Sandwell appeared at Birmingham Crown Court on 16 October 2014 and was sentenced to seven months suspended for two years and 250 hours of unpaid work. He was also ordered to pay £100 victim's surcharge and £300 costs.
1 comentarii:
I love the green laser pointer. I usually use a green laser to pop balloon, light matches, burn plastic etc, which can always bring me a lot of joy in my life.