Mooning garden gnome

Monday, November 11, 2013

Mooning garden gnome, from Sunstar Industries Inc.
You're probably familiar with the popular folk tale "The Princess & The Gnome." You're not?! Well, since there's no time to tell it, we'll give you an idea -- The story involves a princess, an evil witch, and a spell that can't be broken until the princess sees a full moon at the crack of dawn. Whether you grew up with that story or not, you'll find The Mooning Garden Gnome a delightful object. Mischievous little Gnomes have become commonplace throughout the American landscape. This guy has decided to stand out from the crowd with an age-old gesture of defiance and rebellion. He means no disrespect, he's merely... oh, maybe he does mean disrespect. What the heck do we know? The Mooning Garden Gnome stands (or is it "squats"?) a diminuitive 6 inches tall and 8 inches long. He's made of colorful hard rubber, which strikes us as very durable.
Also: Flashing garden gnome, Stripper garden gnome

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