What European countries look like according to creative people

Monday, May 27, 2013

More/source: here (video)

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148 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

if from holland and i dont get my picture, what is it???

Anonymous said...

Is Kosovo's independence still in question?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kosovo is not part of Serbia anymore, although some Serbians would not agree
But still, it's independent

Unknown said...

alo bre majmuni koliko ja znam KOSOVO JE JOS UVEK SRPSKO!!!! I OSTACE!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kosovo is Serbia!

Anonymous said...

Dušo, Kosovo je proglasilo nezavisnost od Srbije još u 2008.
17.2., ak se ne varam

Anonymous said...

De aj pustite to
Samo ispadate očajni

Anonymous said...

And still, until today, 99 countries admitted Kosovo independancy.
Bosnia and Serbia admitted it indirectly.
And I'm not either albanian nor american, I just understand things better than you. Relax, dude. Let it go.

Anonymous said...

Why all of this idiots keep yelling that Kosovo is Serbia.Let the people go,that is just freaking pathetic.All of those patriotics who also yelled that Croatia was Serbia 20 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Kosovo is the heart of Serbia.There is Serbia forever, but Albanian crime only decade.

Anonymous said...

there is stiil more countrys that didnt wote for independent Kosovo.. and Serbia will destroy all albanian and mafias in kosovo in next 10 years

Anonymous said...

foreigners who do not understand the pain and suffering of Serbian historical and love for the world was free to cute. if you want to relax, they should give parts of their state without history.

Anonymous said...

Kosovo (bez i jednog Srbina tamo) nije deo Srbije, a kamoli 'srce'. Svi sem nas Srba znaju da Kosovo nije deo Srbije...

Anonymous said...

Remember kids, there is no bilogical differences between nations. It is purely artificial concept made by people who have mutual history, culture and/or economy. Nothing more. We are Terrans, and __________ (insert any contry name here) is heart of Terra.

Greetings from Serbia.

Anonymous said...

Kosovo is Serbia!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oj Evropo pusi kurac KOSOVO mi nece uzeti tamo neki TURAC !
KOSOVO IS SERBIA Always been, and Always will be!

Anonymous said...

bvahahahaha srbi pogledajte kolko ste bre iskomplikovani tudjim teritorijem... uskoro ste nomadski narod ;)

Anonymous said...

malo vam je prevelika ova srbija :D

Anonymous said...

ahh -.-
aj se vi Srbi više prestanite sramotiti
Pa jel' vi znate koliko se u svijetu sprdaju s vama jer se ne možete pomiriti s tim gubitkom Kosova već si samo lažete?
Ispadate OČAJNI
I da ne ispada da sam Albanka il tamo neki qrac.... Ovdje Hrvatica :* bez nekakve glupe nacionalnosti, najbolji prijatelji su mi Srbi al brate oni bar znaju da je Kosovo nezavisno a ne vi očajnici, vodite bitku koju ste još davno izgubili

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kosovo nije ni dio Srbija, kamoli srce
Odakle ta opsjednutost? Niste toliko obožavali Kosovo ni dok je zapravo BILO dio Srbije a evo sad....

Unknown said...

To mora da su ove picke od Hrvata okacile .. Oni znaju ... Nasisate mi se kurca svi ..

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

-Ako Kosovo nije naše, zašto od nas traže da im ga damo?
-Ako je njihovo, zašto ga otimaju?
-A ako već mogu da ga otmu, ne znam što se toliko ustručavaju?

Matija Beckovic

Anonymous said...

Vasilije, ti ni sam sebi nisi jasan koji kurac želiš reć s tim
aj ne pravi se pametan
I tko su ''oni''? -.-
Čemu ta podjela na ''nas'' i ''njih''? opet krivite druge za nešto što ste sami skrivili

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kosovo je Srbija i uvek ce biti, i Hrvati su Srbi samo ne zele da priznaju.Prestanite vise da mrzite svoj narod i dastavljate ove glupe komentare oko kosova, rusija i kina su iskoristile pravo veto(zabrane) oko nezavisnosti kosova tako da ta (drzava jos nepostoji i nece postojati), evo vam je mala lekcija, pozdrav iz srbije...

Anonymous said...

Croatia has nothing to do with Serbia,don't know why you mention it. Croatians betraided their own people,how can they be part of Serbians? And Kosovo is Serbia,always has been. It's just Americans making changes on Balkan for no reason.

Anonymous said...

kome je stalo nek ide na kosovo

Anonymous said...

Kosovo je Kosovo i ništa drugo. Pozdrav Kosovu. Hrvati zasigurno nisu Srbi, mitologija koja u Srbiji vlada je odraz vašeg primitivizma. "Srbi sveti narod" , "Hrvati su pokatoliceni srbi" itd... Kadkad mi vas je žao koliko ste zaostali, ali šta je tu je. Mi smo također, no kad pogledam vas, tek onda vidim koliko smo ipak napredni. Kosovo je srce Kosova :) , pozdrav iz Hrvatske! Slava!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

For those who don't understand.Imagine to have three rooms in your house.And one day a neighbor came and began to live in one your room, full of your memories.How would you feel?This room, that's Kosovo for Serbia.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Holy crap you guys still hate each other. Relax FFS.

Unknown said...

ajde zemljo junaka da vidimo koji ste junaci majku vam srpsku jebem

Anonymous said...

Some people in Quebec want to separate from Canada. The rest of us say: we want you to stay, but if you insist, then leave and be gone. We're not going to fight a war to make them stay, we will let them leave and just not talk to them for a long time.

Serbs should treat Kosovo the same way. If they don't want to be in your country, let them leave. Why fight a war and force people who resent you to be your countrymen?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Macedonia is Bulgaria

Anonymous said...

A da nam ga lepo popusite svi koji kazete da Kosovo nije deo Srbije..Jos samo treba picke ustaske to da nam pricaju!

Anonymous said...

I am glad that someone respects international law and uses the name Former Yugslav Republic. Using just the name "Macedonia" for that country is an identity theft.

Anonymous said...

As i look all these comments, i'm realy ashamed to be Srbin.

Here i can clearly see that manny of parents have failed in attempt in education of their kids.

And for those mentally limited living creatures. Did you know, if you look at one race\nation..not all are the same?

Im sorry on my bad English.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

I am from Serbia,and i really must agree that Kosovo is not a part of our country anymore...People,reality.


Foklandi nisu Engleska,Kosovo NIJE AMERIKA,Tibet nije Kina.....
Sta god mislili i kako god prekrajali...Srbi su narod sa vekovnim pedigreom i to se ne moze prekrojiti.Novokomponovani i stari hemofilicni zavide nam na cistoj krvi i normalnosti.Zavist ce proci ali srbski gen je zdrav i neunistiv.Zivi bili pa videli- nicija nije gorela do zore nece ni ovoj "civilizaciji "zla vecno goreti.Kosovo je okupirana teritorija,Srbija je pritisnuta mocnicima zla,mnogi su poltroni mocnika.Srbija se saginjati - NECE !!!

Anonymous said...

Ma kakvo bre Kosovo!!!Ono odavno nije naše i neće biti!A sa druge strane šta će nam???

Anonymous said...

Goveda nacionalistička, morali ste da se pojavite i ovde da trujete sa svojim glupostima. Jebalo vas Kosovo, zaboravite na njega! Trideset i više jebenih godina slušam o kosovskim problemima, pun mi je kurac više Kosova. Nabijte ga sebi u dupe svi zajedno...i Srbi i Albanci i svi ostali.

Pozdrav iz Beograda!

Anonymous said...

at least Albania is used condom. :)

Anonymous said...

albania stole kosovo

Anonymous said...

Hrvati su Srbi, Bosanci su Srbi, svi su Srbi, ali Srbi nisu pravoslavnci nego su imali svoju religiju prije nasilnog pokrstavanja...Vratite se svojim korijenima, ruskim bogovima ...:D

umvuckovic said...
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Anonymous said...

Kosovo je Americka baza u sred Srbije. Mozda nece imati Srba ni Srpskih institucija ali ce uvek biti u sklopu Srbije i njenih granica. A Albanci, zalim te naivne, bez imalo mozga, likove.

Anonymous said...

FYROM is NOT "Macedonia", Macedonia is GREEK. Live with it.

Anonymous said...

Francuska je srce Njemačke!

haha čim se vi zamarate...

Anonymous said...

Macedonia ./ak.Fyrom/ is Bulgaria!

Anonymous said...

I've been to that shithole Kosovo and wouldn't take it if you gave it to me for free.

It smells awful, the women have unshaven armpits and unibrows and you can't find a clean toilet anywhere.

Anonymous said...







Anonymous said...

Kosovo is Republic of Kosovo sorry , just like in the photo :D

Anonymous said...

Косово је <3 Србије

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kosovo is independent, deal with it!
Kosovo was always Albanian (Dardania territory, since more then 2000 b.c. check history books)

Anonymous said...

do not be ignorant?
this guy has to say something:


kosovo is now a NATO state without economy. when NATO leaves, what do you think will happened?

all of you saying that kosovo is independent I hope your children become heroin/cocaine addicted using drugs imported from that vary same kosovo, you ignorant fools!

Anonymous said...

A country like Former Yugoslav Republic does not exist>There is only one name MACEDONIA.Great job on the creativity but you should now some facts before publishing your work.It can be very insulting.

Anonymous said...

Kosovo is Serbia

Anonymous said...

Albanija je stvarno kurac od drzave...

Anonymous said...

Romania - cute fish and Bulgaria - cute cat :)))) Awesome

Anonymous said...

ne postoji kosovo niti vojvodina postoji srbija kao drzava ja ne znam za kosovo da je drzava niti sam cuo a ovaj ko ga napravi ovako nikad ga ne napravio slicno

Anonymous said...

..kolko vas budala ima...za izvoz :)

Anonymous said...

The Balkans are all BULGARIA!

Anonymous said...

Kosovo is not Serbia, nowadays. So serbians, just accept it.
Kosovo is independent. I'm bulgarian and regard Kosovo's independance!

Anonymous said...

I wish to congratulate the person with a great art he has presented with this.

For those haters talking about kosovo you are all a bunch of retards as it seems, this is art, and as an artist me or any other can have his freedom in doing there own thing without political or hate problems you have with yourselves. So quit bashing on each other/artist and give respect to creativity without needless chatter.

Anonymous said...

What a useless discussion ffs. Just have alaugh at the funny images created out of the european countries and discuss whatever you wanna discuss elsewhere. Kosovo, Serbia, whatever.

Anonymous said...

Don't you FYROM me! Call me by my name, call me MACEDONIA!

Anonymous said...

Real insult, is stealing your neighbours' names and heritage! The name MACEDONIA for that country with Scopje as a capital, is a JOKE.
All educated people throughout the world that don't care about political games, know very well that ancient Macedonians were Greeks, Alexander the Great was Greek, and just because a very small part of ancient Macedonia was northern than the today's borders of Greece, can't justify the name.
Thousand years of history won't change because a new country was born and having no other historical background that matters, they decided to steal the name from their neighbours...
And keep in mind this: even if all the governments in the world accept the unhistorical claims of Scopjia, Greek people never will! So, keep listening to your nationalistic fairy tales, keep buying any ethnic propaganda your politicians feed you and keep dreaming!

Anonymous said...

Cannot unsee

Anonymous said...

Bosnia and Herzegovina is land shape of heart not like rocket or something like that. greetings

Anonymous said...

makedoniq e Bulgarska

Unknown said...

Macedonians are Bulgarians!!! And Macedonia is Bulgaria!!!

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who finds it funny that in the last picture you can literally see Russia sh***ing on the rest of Europe :))
Btw, I am from Serbia, and I find it very stupid to argue about Kosovo on the internet...THAT is not patriotic, it is just ugly, it won't do anything, and it makes Serbs look like one angry, ignorant bunch, and not all Serbs are like that. Actually, on the internet you can only find semi-educated kids who think that everything is about fighting and hate. Terrible things happened down there, I know it, and everybody does and there is not a single thing that you can do or say to change that, especially not writing words of hate. Kosovo is not a part of Serbia anymore, whether you like it or not. I don't like neither, but what can you do now? Yell and argue on the internet? No. Patriotism doesn't mean insulting other nations and countries, and promoting violence of any kind, it only stands for loving your country and your people, respecting others, and welcoming them if they choose to come, and try to fight for peace, the way you can, without hatred...So, "patriots", if you really want to earn respect you think you deserve, you should start from changing yourselves, by proper education...and when I say this, I think of every person in the world who acts this way...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the lion head is not Poland, it's Germany. Learn some geography ;d

Anonymous said...

Kosovo is Serbia... or Albania...
Macedonia is Greece... or Bulgaria...

wtf?! Nevermind... I'm a JEDI! xD

Ana said...

this is so lame

Anonymous said...

pusite svi

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

where is ukraine

Doa said...

portugal together with spain look like an old lady with kerchief (in the real map)

Dimitar said...

Some creative ideas here :)

Anonymous said...


Blerta said...
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Anonymous said...

Kosovo is not part of Serbia anymore, although some Serbians would not agree
But still, it's independent


Anonymous said...

kosovo is serbiaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Vi, Hrvati, ste definitivno najiskompleksiraniji narod na svetu! A najveći kompleks vam se zove "Srbi"! Verovatno zato što smo bolji u mnogo čemu, i imamo istoriju na koju možemo da budemo ponosni, za razliku od vas (ne, ne računam užasne i sulude ratove 90-tih). Postali ste skoro veći promoteri i podržavaoci Albanaca od samih Albanaca. Trebalo bi da potražite pomoć od doce za to stanje, kolektivno.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why most serbians forget, that when Kosovo was "the heart of Serbia", Belgrade was a Bulgarian city (and had been such for centuries, and continued to be such later on)? Things do not "freeze" in the moment in history, which you like most, my friends...

Anonymous said...

I like turkey, it's like a tumor on europe that needs to be removed, but is still hanging by a thread... Oh, my bad, it is exactly the case.

Anonymous said...

In fact there are 6 FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLICS and those are: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Macedonia. What you have named as FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OM is actually MACEDONIA.
People, why don't you first get educated before write and publish something???

Anonymous said...

Kosovo is Serbia, Macedonia is Bulgaria!!! We want our lands!

John said...

Where is Slovenia? :)

Anonymous said...

Bosnia is heart-shaped <3

Anonymous said...

Is Macedonia still separete from Bulgaria?

Anonymous said...

Looks like Russia shat out the Schoolhouse Rock

Anonymous said...

Pricajte sta god hocete, Kosovo se uvek biti SRPSKO i nicije vise!

Anonymous said...

Ih sto se nasmija... kosovo ovo, kosovo ono... ma zaboli me. Al kad vidjoh da su srbi cistokrvna nacija... pado sa stolice. Turci vam karindjali zene 500 godina a vi cistokrvni... hahaha...

Anonymous said...

Другари, Србија до Токија, курац од пинокија.


Anonymous said...

Kosovo e Servia!

Anonymous said...

EVERY country but Denmark gets to be something? Why? Whyyyy? Come on - that's a nose if I ever saw one!

RonanN1 said...

<3 Romania aka little fish! <3

Andrew said...

Why is Romania the only country that has multiple colors?

Anonymous said...

Ljudi, stvarno smo jadni. Izgleda da se još nismo otarasili politike 19. stoljeća, a živimo u 21. Cijeli svijet se smije našoj zaostalosti. Mongoli i Uzbekistanci su valjda razvijeniji od nas na Balkanu. Drina se ne da ispraviti pa pusti da kriva teče. Svu ovu energiju trebalo bi usmjeriti u nešto dobro, poticajno, iskoristivo, nadasve korisno. Pusti bjedne Šiptare. Samo su trn u peti. Netko je pametno rekao: čemu trošit srbijanski proračun za socijalnu pomoć Albancu na Kosovu koji će taj isti novac iskorostiti protiv onoga koji mu ga daje? To je suludo. Inače na Kosovu ima toliko mnogo Albanaca jer ih je naš drug Tito tamo naselio. Ulizivao se Albancima jer je htio da Albanija bude 7. yu-republika. I došli šljakeri sa ženom i djecom i djecom i djecom... Bolje vam je bez njih.
Inače, Srpkinja sam iz Zagreba.

Anonymous said...

In Greece is a county names Makedonia and then there is a free country named Macedonia, keep it that way, in Belgium is a province named Luxembourg, and then there is a fre country named Luxembourg, seems like they are more well-developed than you down there, freaking out because of fucking names of a province and independent contry.... just grow up

Anonymous said...

A Jugoslavija kako bi izgledala ? A Югославия как би зиглеждала? But how Yugoslavia will looks like? :P

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am Italian. Everyone of you (except American) was in ROMAN EMPIRE. Your country was our land, is our land and it will be always.
Serbia, Kosovo, Croatia, Albania, Macedonia are ITALIAN!

Ја сам Италијан. Свако од вас (осим Америке) је у Римском царству. Ваша земља је наша земља, наша земља и то ће увек бити.
Србија, Косово, Хрватска, Албанија, Македонија су италијански!

Ja sam talijanski. Svatko od vas (osim Amerike) bio je u Rimskom carstvu. Vaša zemlja je naša zemlja, naša je zemlja i to će uvijek biti.
Srbija, Kosovo, Hrvatska, Albanija i Makedonija su talijanski!

Anonymous said...

FYROM is not a country. Vardaska is the country. If you want to call yourselves "Macedonia" then come to Greece and forget your country.

Legionarul said...

Cosovo is Serbia!
Basarabia is Romania

Anonymous said...

and the post got hacked by a petty balkan nationalism... too bad...I find it funny,specially the last one of the whole Europe :)

Anonymous said...

A taman sam se ponadala da komentari NECE biti prepuni balkanskog prepucavanja. Silly me.

Anonymous said...

...and even under these funny pics Serbs have to show how narrowminded they are... Sad!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Kosovo je deo Srbije i to se nikada nece promeniti! Mozete da ludite koliko hocete, ali nam ne mozete nista!!!

Anonymous said...

Croatia rules. Badass dragon :-D

Anonymous said...

''Ako Kosovo nije nase, zasto od nas traze da im ga damo? Ako je njihovo, zasto ga otimaju? A ako vec mogu da nam ga otmu, ne znam sto se toliko istrucavaju?'' - Matija Beckovic

Anonymous said...

Kosova fuck serbia. serbia is a rubish country.ja qifsha familjen Shqipnin kondom a

Anonymous said...

Kosovo nije Srbija, niti treba da bude. Srbi sa Kosova su ista govna kao i Siptari.

Anonymous said...

Haha, Russia is brutal! :))

Anonymous said...

About Russia . If you want to make an appropriate opinion , you have to have a look at the whole map of this country because other countries are whole not just a part. Russia look like a huge horse not a pig. Artist who painted this picture is just an enemy of Russia and use a very primitive method of revenge because he or she is fool :)

Anonymous said...

Why you put the map of Bosnia while you dont put in here the map of the Republic of Kosovo. Anyway im glad you presented serbia without Kosovo. Long life Albania and Kosovo.

Angel said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Albania looks like a condom too. Looks very funny!!!

nam lim xanh
nấm lim xanh

Head Soccer said...

So funny Pictures! why you can think like them :))

anonymous said...

your imagination very rich! :)) i want to share them for my friends

maria said...

i like 1st picture!very interesting

peter said...

can you do with Asia's? i think they will good

Vũ Trung Kiên said...
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Content Joy said...
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Tiểu Đêm Nhiều said...
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Tiểu Đêm Nhiều said...


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