Father pays daughter $200 to quit Facebook

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Paul Baier, vice-president of a Boston-area energy firm, convinced his 14-year-old daughter to stay away from Facebook for five months in exchange for the total amount of $200. He posted the contract they signed, titled Facebook Deactivation Agreement, on his blog:

From Daily Dot:
"It was her idea," Baier told the Daily Dot. "She wants to earn money and also finds Facebook a distraction and a waste of time sometimes. She plans to go back on after the 6 months is over."
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2 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

You can't even be on FB until you're 16. That's the site's official policy, because younger kids tend not to understand privacy risks.

Anonymous said...

Wait, sorry, they dropped it to 13 since the last time I checked.

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