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46 comentarii:
What a f'ing prick. Someone needs to hang a sign on him for being a terrible father that exploits his poor toddler daughter.
This is a very serious matter I wish social services could get involve in this.i pi
ty that stinky fart
I like to know where her mother was when all this happened.
She should be blamed as well as the father. he sick and need to seek
help, don't know if even that would help. Sick s.o.b. and the mother
is just as bad. If I was his boss I would can him for posting that.
What is wrong with the world these day. When she older I don't she
will find it funny. And it better not show up in the yearbook at school
TAKE IT DOWN NOW. YOU SICK F**K. You will or make father of the year
or an award for that photo. You pig..
I like to know where her mother was when all this happened.
She should be blamed as well as the father. he sick and need to seek
help, don't know if even that would help. Sick s.o.b. and the mother
is just as bad. If I was his boss I would can him for posting that.
What is wrong with the world these day. When she older I don't she
will find it funny. And it better not show up in the yearbook at school
TAKE IT DOWN NOW. YOU SICK F**K. You will or make father of the year
or an award for that photo. You pig..
The father went to far,one thing is punishment and another is humiliation.that's the problem with some parents ,they use social networks without thinking the damage they can make on the long run.
I sometimes pee in the shower. Do I .need to wear a sign around my neck?
Dude... What an assh*le
Omg all you people freaking out are ridiculous. Really, who cares? It is no big deal... Obviously he didn't yell at her because she is smiling away.... And as far as embarrassed, think about it.... Are YOU embarrassed by things you did as a toddler? No, because you were a toddler.
LIGHTEN UP PEOPLE.. and btw, my daughter, a senior in high school said she wouldn't be embarrassed if it was her AND put in her yearbook!!!!
Omg all you people freaking out are ridiculous. Really, who cares? It is no big deal... Obviously he didn't yell at her because she is smiling away.... And as far as embarrassed, think about it.... Are YOU embarrassed by things you did as a toddler? No, because you were a toddler.
LIGHTEN UP PEOPLE.. and btw, my daughter, a senior in high school said she wouldn't be embarrassed if it was her AND put in her yearbook!!!!
people seem to think that they and those they "love" will live forever, that tragic accidents never happen, life taking diseases are for someone else. Perhaps this man thinks his daughter will live forever, obviously he thinks she'll live long enough into the future to become a High School student that he plans to humiliate one day. Perhaps she won't make it that far... I wonder how he'll feel about this photo should one day sooner than expected, he be without her.
Lighten up they were obviously having fun she is smiling and laughing His quoate siad she is so proud of herself. Everyone is so stressed about stupid jokes these days they are afraid to have any fun. Dad your daughter is adorable and I can say I wish I had a camera when we were trianing my nephew. He took his dirty diaper off and smeared the wall behind his crib and himself. That's when we new he was ready. As gross ad it was we laughed. He is thirty and we still talk about it when they have trouble with their kids.
You people that are saying this is ok have no business being babysitters much less parents. The reason why its not ok hasn't even dawned on you. Went right over your heads. Princess808 and anonymous wanting to do this to your daughter and nephew does the thought of a young child like a 10-12 year old already being teased at school when bullying usually starts even cross your mind. Do you have any fricken clue what that does to a bullied child to have a photo like that printed off the internet and plastered around the school to stick with them the rest of school?? You would risk making that public to be used against an already emotionally unstable child to humiliate them?? Princess we aren't talking about a senior who consents for fun or anonymous a home video for family, at 3 you have no clue what life will be like for this kid in school 10 years from now. Your kicks are worth more than your child's or any other kids emotional welfare at a time when suicide from bullying is at the height its at these days?? You people are horrible parents if you think that is ok!!!! SICK!!!
This is not cute or adorable or anything else other than misguided and a poor example of parenting and discipline. Obviously she didn't learn a lesson here. She's three. She has no idea about public shaming. She thinks it's cute because she's signing a paper that she has no idea what it means and she's having her picture taken with no idea of the purpose behind the picture. Dog shaming is one thing...they have no concept. Toddler shaming is another thing...someday she WILL understand the punishment her dad thinks is "cute" right now. She has no idea at three years old that this could come back to her when she's a teen and DOES know about shame and embarrassment and public humiliation. Discipline of a toddler is a PRIVATE matter between the parent and child, and involves less abusive methods than making her an internet joke.
Shame on her father. And her mother if she had any idea what happened here.
Father of the year.
Though some users called him "terrible" and "sick," jagknowny replied to one angry comment: "She can sue me for 'defecation.'"
Hear this? Now shut your mouth.
That's pretty crappy he's making fun of his own kid
To princess 808.. why don't u lighten up!! R u crazy like the father! So what if that little girl is smiling .. Her father should be ashamed! And then posting it on the Internet! And you little princess808 thinks this is ok? I'm sure there r a lot of people that agree with me! Your sick just like him!!!
Hey, Dad, suck it up. That's what being a parent is all about. It is not cool to get a laugh on Facebook or Reddit at the expense of your kid. That is sick. You are sick. And you need help.
And again, no one is going to care enough about this when this girl is in middle school. Trust me, I work with kids in 6-8 grade and they don't care about what their peers did while being potty training trained.. They tease each other, I agree, but it is about the here and now, not about what happened while in diapers. Lighten up
Douche Bag Dad goes to ... Sicko take it down, this is not funny, I hope CPS sees this and investigates!
As a CPS agent we would find nothing wrong with this picture. Having a laugh with your child is not punishable by any law. However not having a sense of humor should be. Honestly this picture is a great father daughter memory!
I have read through all the comments people have wrote before me. Everything from "Kill the Dad" to "This was a joke". As a mother of 3, I do admit to having photos of my kids in the bathroom and others that they would deem embarrassing if brought out. These are kept in a box of photos not for public viewing. Just as reminders of days when they were cute or funny in whatever they were doing at the time. The thing is we keep those for us and for them. NO ONE ELSE. That is what made this act so outrageous. The father made it public and really embarrassing for a 3 year old baby. She is not of an age where anyone would consider truly 100% potty-trained. At this age they are still trying boundaries for what is right and what is wrong in their actions. No parent needs to go to such extremes to teach a toddler this was the wrong place to use the bathroom. It wasn't funny. It was sad.
Dad you made a big mistake. Show your daughter that this is the wrong way to go about these things by apologizing. It probably wasn't your first and definitely won't be your last. The important thing is how you fix it. This is what makes a good parent. I have made many mistakes bringing up my kids and when I did I owned up to them. My kids know I love them and RESPECT them by my actions. No one is perfect, it's how we react when mistakes are made.
A Jacob Agnone had a twitter account with the name "Jagknowny" It was closed a few days ago. He has a facebook account with a little girl who looks very similar to the little girl in this photo. I'm not saying it IS him, for I have no idea, it is just unfortunate that there are so many similarities. Look for yourself. He is a creative writer, perhaps he can set the record straight.
You have been reported and I think everyone should also file on this.
This father is not joking or he would have kept it within his home. The father should look at his lack of proper training and consistency as the parent who is suppose to be training his daughter. How would the father felt if his parents did this to him?? The daughter obviously is not looking at the internet, therefore his tactics were not to shame but to get attention and 5 minutes. Of fame. The father, and I use the term loosely needs some parenting classes.
The crux of the situation is the fact that this man exploited his daughter's privacy,and without her consent, for a joke.Everybody,regardless of age,deserves an amount of dignity and respect... this toddler is no different.The fact that he took advantage of the situation by hanging a sign around her neck (when she can't even read and comprehend what's going on) and paraded her by posting this picture to the world via the internet shows no consideration of how she feels or will feel.People who try to make light of the situation saying that it's all in good fun may feel a whole lot differently if they were the toddler and their picture was uploaded for all the world to see.Seriously,no one in their right mind(especially girls/women) would be a willing participant in taking a picture proclaiming that they just defecated in the shower.Hell,there are girls/women who wouldn't be caught dead without their make up on in public for crying out loud!And even if she may be cool with it(when she's older),why not wait until she's old enough to understand and ask her if she's ok with posting it on the internet?Just because she's her dad doesn't mean he could do anything he wants to with her,regardless of his intentions.Wonder how people would feel if it was the other way around?If it was the father who's in his 70's or 80's (with demensia/alzheimer's) and he defecated in his bed and after cleaning him up,his daughter put a sign around his neck that said this old geezer just pooped all over himself and is proud of it.That wouldn't be funny at all.Just down right sad and disgusting...same thing with this picture.
It blows my mind how the news reports this as abuse. I just saw this on tv with her face blurred. They said they would hate to see what happens when she does something else wrong. How pathetic. Why don't all of you who call this abuse really stand up and do something for kids who are.REALLY abused . I was shocked to see her smiling bc I assumed she was punished . He was being silly. This little girl will laugh some day. Stop hiding behind your computer screens and go help children who are really in need!!!!!! PATHETIC!!!!! I cannot think of enough words to describe how insane you all are for calling this abusive. It's as bad as calling Jessica Simpson abusive for putting a bikini on her baby. Get a life. Go save children in need you idiots!!!!
Was he even trying to teach her a lesson...why does your mind her punished??????? He was being funny!!!
Sounds like the parents of the bullies suck more than this guy. Way to place blame on everyone but tyr people who are really wrong. The bullies!!!!!
If I wear a skirt and I'm it my fault or the rapist?? Please teach your children to tell bullies to piss off and teach them be comfortable with who they are no matter what!!!!! NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!
No reasonable person would hold a grudge over a bit of poop for fifteen long years. Don't judge someone on what they probably won't do. Unless he actually puts the picture in (which I don't see as embarrassing; everyone was a toddler once), there's no way to tell who this child even is. Reddit isn't Facebook and with her name blurred out this kid remains anonymous. He isn't publicly shaming his kid, he's sharing a funny joke with the internet.
It's parents who can't joke like this that scare me. It's only funny to someone who would never harm their children. Props to dad! I guarantee he raises a child who actually has a sense of humor and the world needs those : )
Congrats on raising a confident daughter with a sense of humor! That doesn't happen when you raise your child to be too serious. Easily humiliated people show a weakness for societies views. They need to learn to sit back and enjoy the silly!
Um... Is it possible that the thought of discliping his child never occurred to him? Maybe this is just a joke? Some people got that. The rest of you... Maybe YOU shouldn't be around children.
It seems he will be raising a daughter that will not be shamed by the silly things she did as a child. There's only shame in bad behavior by someone who knows better. Like an adult who judges others unfairly.
Why would you care who agrees?
Arrrgghh! It wasn't supposed to be a punishment. Stupid stupid overly concerned about nothing people
Ahhh... Reason! Sweet sensible reason.
Look, it IS funny. There is no shame in this. It's just silly. If he was not afraid to post this as a way to joke about how adorable gross all children are sometimes then he is a well adjusted confident individual who will most likely raise a daughter who is the same.
there is no shame in it they need to know they did wrong ,sent we arent to spank any more
The child is obviously happy and well cared for. The dad did this as a JOKE. You people ever hear of that? It's something that is supposed to be funny?? Look it up in a dictionary. And if you don't think this is funny, then don't laugh the next time you see a picture of a room smeared with poop. Because it's pretty much the same thing. Good job Dad! Your lovely little girl will grow up with a wonderful sense of humor. She will appreciate life and learn how to take things with a grain of salt.
Very sad display of obnoxious parenting. Grow up Dad and get use to it, this is probably the easiest of the years coming of S*** you'll have to clean up.
why in gods name are people slamming the father for a sence of humor. To all of you not seeing this as a joke please post your blog ids so I will never visit your blogs again.