Meanwhile, in Miami: zombies on LSD bath salts

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Happened Saturday afternoon, on MacArthur Causeway, where a police officer came across a naked man chewing on another naked man's face and had to shoot him because he wouldn't stop.

From CBS Local Miami:
The bizarre shooting happened shortly after 2 p.m., when police responded to a 911 call about two naked men fighting on a bike path along the Causeway, which was packed with traffic on a busy holiday weekend.

Miami police have not confirmed the details of what happened next, but sources close to the investigation told CBS4 News that officers found one man gnawing on the face of another, in what one police source called the most gruesome thing he’d ever seen.

The head of the Miami Fraternal Order of Police, Armando Aguilar, said drugs are at the root of the attack.

"We have seen, already, three or four cases that are exactly like this where some people have admitted taking LSD and it’s no different than cocaine psychosis," Aguilar said.

Emergency room Doctor Paul Adams agreed with Aguilar saying similar cases have showed up in the ER.

Adams said the new LSD is commonly called "bath salts." The drug, Adams said, can raise a persons body temperature to such a high degree that logic and the ability to feel pain are lost; then delirium sets in and that often leads to disaster. Aguilar, who heads the local chapter of the Fraternal Order of Police, said he has spoken with the officer who responded. Aguilar said the officer saw what the man was doing, and ordered him to stop. He said the man growled at the officer, and then returned to his meal.

Aguilar said the man ate his victim’s nose and eyeballs.

The officer then used his service weapon and shot the man, Aguilar said, but the gunshot had no effect. Other sources confirmed that the man refused to obey, and continued his attack. Aguilar said the officer had no choice but to keep shooting until the attacker was dead.
The victim is in critical condition in the hospital. Here's a picture of his face (warning: gore)
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2 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

Let's point out once more that it is NOT LSD! Mephedrone is (effect wise) more of a cocaine/amphetamine high and it's just plain idiocy calling it LSD.

Anonymous said...

yeah, pretty much. LSD can't do that to you. It's way more peaceful than weed, so i can't imagine eating someones face on it. Maybe with really great munchies? :)))))

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