Kate Upton stare-down

Friday, February 24, 2012

Can you last 45 secs. in a staring contest with Kate Upton?

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4 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

After 45 seconds stare I thought..."She's not that good looking!". When she was doing the dance at the basketball stadium....that's when she was DAMN HOT!

Anonymous said...

I thought a stare-down was when neither of you blinked; she screwed that up in 3 seconds...

Anonymous said...

This is actually a video for the Sobe website back during the summer. It was a game where you had to focus the mouse on her face, but then you couldn't see her chest, etc

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 1: That's the so called common "dougie at basketball stadium effect". very similar to the "cheerleader effect".

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