Kim Jong-il has died

Monday, December 19, 2011

As you may have already heard, the North Korean leader Kim Jong-il has passed away at the age of 69, of fatigue, on a train while visiting an area outside the country's capital.

Here's a North Korean state TV presenter announcing the death of "The Supreme Leader."

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2 comentarii:

Andrew said...

When Stalin died (1952), the vast majority of his supporters ceased immediately supporting the policies of his regime. The same thing also happened when TITO died in Yugoslavia. Unfortunately, I don't believe the same thing will happen in North Korea.

Kim Jong Il inherited his power after his father, Kim Il Sung died in 1994. I think his son Kim Jong Un will probably become the next leader. There have been some unconfined reports that Kim Jong Un has been already announced as leader.

Sadly, it's the people of North Korea that are going to continue to suffer the most from the continuation of this regime. Only the people of North Korea can initiate the necessary change the country needs to become a democratic, free and stable nation.

Maybe the two Korean peninsulas will become reunited?

Anonymous said...

*facepalm* Stalin died in 1953.

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