Cat soothes crying baby to sleep

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Stewie the cat gives his friend Connar a helping hand to fall asleep.

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4 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

How cute! Stewie looks just like our Whiskers Kitty.

Anonymous said...

That is THE MOST precious thing I've ever seen. What a sweet kitty taking care of the new family member. Amazing. Cats have scense when someone needs comforting. Our kitty will always be there when you are down or sick. He does it with each family member and doesn't favor another. It's a different way he will just stay by you. A way he doesn't usually hang out.
I love cats!

Anonymous said... wants to play with baby's flailing head and arm--but exercises restraint...

Ameselle said...

It's like kitty telekinesis!

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