
Thursday, September 29, 2011

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31 comentarii:

Boodle said...

Anyone else think his mouse should literally be a... "mouse?"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

this is not funny at all.

Anonymous said...

this is kind of depressing actually...and really sad....

Anonymous said...

it highlights the tragic state in which we live. How did we go from Industrial revolution > Space Program > Attention whores and LoLcats.

Anonymous said...

Because we've realized space is big and boring, and cats are funny.

Anonymous said...

"it highlights the tragic state in which we live. How did we go from Industrial revolution > Space Program > Attention whores and LoLcats."

It's called Reality Avoidance. It happens to nations that realize for the second time in a generation they attacked and destroyed a nation that was no threat to them, over a pack of lies. Nobody wants to deal with that reality or even admit it's true so it's attention whoring and lolcats. Pi$$ on America and anybody who lives in that sh1thole.

Anonymous said...

People WOULD turn this comic into a debate about America and the tragedy of today's youth. It's just a comic, it's okay to not argue over the internet for once.
Calm yourselves.

Anonymous said...

Moral of the story? : If you want attention, do something stupid that's really not worth it.

Anonymous said...

This is just what Hitler wanted.

Funny facebook said...

True about viral video.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

haha, all time record for shit chat in the comments - it turned a cats failed suicide attempt into a convo about war. well done.

Nah but seriously, that 6th frame turned me the hell on. damn, kitty.

Anonymous said...

I'd hit that

Anonymous said...

Another happy ending.

Me said...

aww poor cat LOL

Anonymous said...

And none of you dumbasses realize this is the actual form of a "Copy Cat"

Anonymous said...

It highlights the fact that cats are awesome!

me said...

500 FOOT jump.

Anonymous said...

my interpretation: everyone has something that they're good at and some people are well loved because they're cute or look good. It's inevitable that they'd get more views for doing something that's not remarkable or doesn't really require much talent. i.e. gorgeous musicians today who can't even sing (but are marketed). Others, lets just face it, don't have the looks or the capabilities to be famous, popular or well-loved. Whatever. Who said you had to be? Everyone wants love and attention but obviously some seek it in the wrong way. There is no need to be a mindless fool thinking that you need to conform to society and gain attention to be loved. There's no need to go to extremes. Be confident, keep your head up and most importantly, do your own thing. The rest will follow.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cat fall out window; funny! lol cats so silly!

Anonymous said...

fuckin good

Cherry said...


Anonymous said...

And, the moral of the story is, don't do drugs. said...

I am amused :-) Nice one.

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