Comments on God's blog

Monday, August 8, 2011

And on the 6th day, He blogged:
UPDATE: Pretty pleased with what I’ve come up with in just six days. Going to take tomorrow off. Feel free to check out what I’ve done so far. Suggestions and criticism (constructive, please!) more than welcome. God out.
And then, there were comments:
Not enough action. Needs more conflict. Maybe put in a whole bunch more people, limit the resources, and see if we can get some fights going. Give them different skin colors so they can tell each other apart.

One of them is going to eat something off that tree You told them not to touch.

Amoebas are too small to see. They should be at least the size of a plum.

Beta version was better. I thought the Adam-Steve dynamic was much more compelling than the Adam-Eve work-around You finally settled on.

Putting boobs on the woman is sexist.
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1 comentarii:

n 400 said...

Very good point of view,I agreed with you totally.Thanks for sharing with me.I can learn a lot from it.


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