Accidental art

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Art is a very relative thing: 7-year-old Leilah Poulain's mother was trying to download her daughter's artwork to a private online folder, but, by mistake, she uploaded it to a public file which automatically entered it to a national competition.

A year later, she receives an email telling her that Leilah is a winner and her "abstract portrait of a penguin" will be displayed at Saatchi Gallery in London.

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3 comentarii:

Pato said...

Proves anyone can make contemporary art, but it only gets the label "art" if the critics randomly select your piece as brilliant.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to hear the artist's own critique of her work.

Anonymous said...

i would really like to hear the "critics" talking about the depth of the artist fillings when she was creating this masterpiece :P

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