Poll: Obama's victory sex

Monday, May 2, 2011

Since he's accomplished killing the world's terrorist no.1, which many would consider one of the manliest manly things ever, TMZ thinks Obama experienced some serious presidential poonani after he made the big announcement.

What do you think?

TMZ | via
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5 comentarii:

Journeyman said...

Quote: "QUESTION: Why was Osama bin Laden buried at sea? OFFICIAL ANSWER: So his followers wouldn't turn his tomb into a shrine. REAL ANSWER: So Americans can go to the beach and piss on his grave. LMAO!" :Unquote


Journeyman said...

LMAO...Osama is now Achmed


Anonymous said...

Pretty crass...

Anonymous said...

Wow everyone on TMZ is hating lol, I thought it was funny

RickStar said...

Still dont understand "Victory Sex" they do make a obama sex doll ...lol...

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