This Friday is 'International Unfollow Charlie Sheen' day
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Jen Doll of Village Voice thinks that Charlie Sheen has been engaging in douchebaggery for long enough now, and that it's time we put a stop to it. She wrote a pretty convincing and to-the-point article about it. Basically, she says that we know Charlie Sheen established a brand new world record with his tweets, but now it's time for him to go down!
So, this Friday, everybody who has a Twitter account, with Charlie Sheen in his 'Following' list and shares Jen's idea, has the moral obligation to click the 'Unfollow' button.
Related: CBS and Warner Bros. Television fire Charlie Sheen
3 comentarii:
So then he'll get another Guinness World Record for most followers lost in one day. Sounds like a PR stunt to me! Ha ha
Sounds to me that this is gonna go wrong, and instead of unfollower it will sky rocket is followers even more.
CharlieSheenCeo has just been born. Seen on twitter.