Interview with the bully

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

We've seen the one with Casey Heynes and his family yesterday, now here's the one with Ritchard Gale, the 12-year-old that punched Casey, and his family. According to these guys, Ritchard is the real victim. He's been suffering from Casey's bullying for years now.

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4 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't believe for a second that the other kid bullied him, the video shows a 3-1 situation where the big kid was clearly at a disadvantage.

Good on him for bodyslamming the little ratty fuck.

Anonymous said...

If he was taking beatings like that you would think he would have those bombed out grave yard looking teeth fixed.... Teeth look like Spartan shields at the end of 300... smh

Anonymous said...

geez relax everybody. I'm pretty confident that most people vent aggression because someone else is putting them down. I have absolutely no hard time believing both boys are victims of bullying, and perhaps other factors like inadequate parenting.. Happy balanced children don't enjoy tormenting other people.

Anonymous said...

So he's a hypocrite bully who got his ass smashed to the ground when bullying another bullied kid with 2 other kids, he so had it coming!

Besides, a 12-year-old with THAT haircut and with his face pierced... come on! he's just playing the victim here!

He should get even more beaten up!

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