You're doing it wrong: parenting
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Anchorage resident and candidate for worst mother of the year award, Jessica Beagley is educating one of her adopted Russian sons. She appeared with this video on Dr. Phil in November 2010.
After repeated unsuccessful attempts to correct the child's behavior -- including timeouts, spankings, forced exercise and pulling his ear, she told McGraw -- Beagley turned to hot sauce and cold showers.More, on Anchorage Daily News.
"I wish I wasn't to this point," Beagley tells McGraw. "I don't know what to do with this child."
6 comentarii:
This is an excellent casus belli for a Russian invasion of Alaska.
My God! She should be in jail.
That was...disturbing to say the least.
"Mormon Mom" hummm? Wonder why you never see "Catholic Mom", "Lutheren Mom", "Baptist Mom". Was someone worried about the kid, or just trying to bash religion?
Stop worrying about religion, and start worrying about the kid. How can you watch that and start thinking about someone bashing religion?
This kid isn't lying, he's too scared of the punishment to say the truth.
My mother used to fill the sink and push my head underwater if I didn't score an A in my exams (no kidding). More than the threath of drowning, what I remember the most is that, since I was 6 or 7, I was too short to reach the sink by myself, so my mother pulled me up against it, and my whole chest pressed against the sink edge, supporting my weight and my mother's, causing a lot of pain.
Some people just shouldn't be allowed to have kids.