Ted Williams update of the day: he's entering rehab
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Golden-voiced Ohio homeless man-turned-celeb Ted Williams, 53, is on his way to rehab.USA Today
During a taping of the Dr. Phil Show today in Los Angeles, Ted Williams -- with his family's support -- said he has decided to enter a private rehabilitation treatment facility for his alcohol and drug dependency, a show spokeswoman says. Williams came to the conclusion following a lengthy one-on-one conversation with Dr. Phil, which will air tomorrow.
According to the show, the decision was made due in part to Williams' strange behavior over the past several days, which culminated in a physical altercation with one of his daughters at a Hollywood hotel. He was briefly detained by police and later released.
1 comentarii:
good move! he has one chance to turn his life around, it isn't worth hitting rock bottom again