Lamebook fundraiser party raises money for legal fight against Facebook

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Facebook parody blog Lamebook has been sued by Facebook for some reason, and its founders are in need of some money for legal fees, so they're throwing a huge party this Friday.
The legal wrangling has left the founders of the site, graphic designers Jonathan Standefer and Matthew Genitempo, on the hook for tens of thousands of dollars in lawyer’s bills, prompting them to reach out to fans to donate a few bucks to help their cause: defending their first amendment right to make fun of whomever they damn well please.

And so, at 7:00PM this Friday, January 21st at Shangri-La in Austin, Texas, Lamebook is asking fans to come out, donate some moolah to their cause, have a few drinks, and be entertained by a variety of guests including ruthlessly inventive Austin DJ duo Learning Secrets; the all-singing, all-dancing one-man party Neiliyo; some of Lamebook’s best posts read LIVE by members of the New Movement Theater; and delicious vittles served up by the trailer foodies at Pig Vicious. Photographer extraordinaire Annie Ray ( will be on hand to chronicle it all. Suggested donation is only $5 which ensures FREE BEER (as long as it lasts!) and the knowledge that attendees are doing their part to ensure that the first amendment applies to everyone, all the way down to the little guys.
Also: Donate via PayPal

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