Assange arrested

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

From The New York Post:
Police say WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has surrendered to British police as part of a Swedish sex-crimes investigation, the latest blow to the secret-spilling website that faces legal, financial and security challenges.

Assange was arrested at 9:30 a.m. today and was due to appear at Westminster Magistrate's Court later in the day.

Assange has been hiding out at an undisclosed location in Britain since WikiLeaks began publishing hundreds of U.S. diplomatic cables on the Internet last week.
So does that mean some more secret file are gonna get decrypted?
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5 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

He does something right, if the main governments are so angry...

Free Julian! Freedom of Speach! Free World!

NeoN said...

Agreed. Its kind of apalling how worried certain governments are that these disclosed locations may become targets of terrorist attacks. Is it not better that they attack military facilities rather than innocent civilians?

Also i heard something about him disclosing information on thermo-nuclear assets if he had to play his trump card which is very interesting indeed.

Anonymous said...

USA=Soviet Union.

Dunex (Swedish PP-member) said...

As much as I love the notion of that information should be free this is troublesome.
It is too early!, the whole "pirate" (read non-censorship) movement needs another five to ten years in Europe to grow.
We could end up with a tiered internet because we are not strong enough
Dark stuff but its real, the whole copyright-thing that follows with this will with all probability shut sites like these down.

Anonymous said...

From Indymedia portal:

Arrested genovese Assange
As the Australian Italian Assange also want him in jail. The spy who stole confidential documents and electronic cable financiers, lawyers, professors, Iranians, social centers will end up in prison.
The trap of the secret services for quite a while will no longer bother. Unless you leave the computer (as Assange). Could intercede for him his friend Putin (including former secret agents, there is always a bit of solidarity).
From Il Secolo XIX newspaper of Genoa today:
Pesto’s Wikileaks, the Genoese Assange ends with arrests
Altana Peter, 45 years old, a former secret service employee, for newspapers and many blogs has become a sort of genoese Julian Assange. And the constant and widespread dissemination of confidential files on the business full-bodied of Genoa (maxi mergers of public companies, studies on the revolutions of the traffic, background information on the work of luminaries of science and especially malfeasance within the bank) keeps close to the figure of at least the suggestion Australian journalist, who made her blush with cable chancelleries over the world.
Doing the right proportions of fame and weight of the mutual scoop, there is another detail in common with a few hours, and is purely judicial. As the creator of Wikileaks, a few days ago, was jailed in London for a crime "disconnected" to the pandemonium of these days (the accusation of rape is to have two Swedish girls forced to have unprotected sex) as well the 007 that targets the Genoese came to a standstill, in this case "home". Proved fatal to the conviction 'final' documents for stolen many years ago. At the same time, Altana, is one of the main suspects for the files that between October and November were circulated through the Indymedia site antagonist, confidential documents against the Carige bank, secret messages inside your local authorities or the scientific director of the Gaslini Hospital, Lorenzo Moretta.

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