Kid gets a strip-search from the TSA
Monday, November 22, 2010
Seen at Salt Lake City International Airport, on Nov. 19, 2010:
Youtuber lukemtait, who filmed and uploaded this video says:
Youtuber lukemtait, who filmed and uploaded this video says:
After I finished videotaping the incident I went through the check point myself. I collected my things and went over to talk to the father and son. Before I could get to them a man in a black suit who had been talking with the other TSA officials approached me. He asked to speak to me and I obliged, wondering what was to come. He then proceeded to interrogate me about why I was videotaping the "procedures of the TSA". I told him that I had never seen such practices before on a young child and decided to record it. The man being frustrated at this point demanded to know my plans with the video, of which I didn't respond. Repeatedly he asked me to delete the video, hoping his mere presence could intimidate me to obey, but I refused.via
3 comentarii:
Welcome to the U.S.A.! Please strip down your clothes... ^^
My TSA song - check it out!
Who needs a catholic priest? Get a TSA official!
Shame on you, pedobear