High school girls hurdle race of the day

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tagline: If at first you don't fail, try, try again.

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3 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

awwwww. the poor darling. She's crying on the line!! But she finished!! Round of applause to her. Prob shud try another event tho

Anonymous said...

Yeah. She finished. And? Then she isn't a big looser, just a little one? Is it better? I don't think so. If she (and the others too) sucks this big why doesn't she do something else? There are much easier sports.

Just because she tries it again and again it won't be better. The only difference is that she will Fail more. In front of everybody. Well that can be a cool feeling, right? Try again! Maybe after some practice the audience will laugh harder...

Anonymous said...

I feel bad, but this is so hilarous

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