Fox News cover the Stewart/Colbert rally

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

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4 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

This is why I love American politics. The bias actually makes me cringe. On another note check out the original poster's other Tube videos and particularly the comments. He is either a satirical genius, or a tw@t.

Anonymous said...

This video makes me very, very sad.

The Cuba Castle said...

The blonde woman..."I'm is a newsperson!"
The irony is that Stewart and Colbert, although comedians (the base of society!!!), they actually report the news fairer and better than fox.
And cat stevens? His name was never actually cat stevens. Simply a stage-name. Fox "newspeople", or rather, "auto-cue readers" do what that do best: believe whatever bullshit it is that's put in front of them.
This video is very, very sad indeed.

Anonymous said...

I don't see anything in this video I'm supposed to find funny, other than the big joke they called a rally.

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