Argument-invalidating pic of the day: Michael Jackson is drinking Vodka with a couple of female midgets

Monday, November 22, 2010

Michael Jackson chugging vodka with little people

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7 comentarii:

Anonymous said...


biotv said...

Yeah sorry about that:P Didn't mean to offend anyone. I deliberately chose that term to add more "dramatic" effect:)

Anonymous said...

It's the "female" part that's surprising.

Anonymous said...

Midgets? No, they r dwarfs...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the "female" part is definately the disturbing one... sounds like youre talking about some "wierd animal" that was found in the woods :-P

Anonymous said...

What's horrible are rude comments about the dwarfs in the picture as midgets & nasty/ non people. You know, there are some really ignorant & unhappy people on this planet.
This was a after party picture from Captain Eo. Jehovah witnesses are permitted to consume alcohol, if he was one at that time.

Seek therapy people & stop spreading ignorance.

romanul.frustrat said...

I think this is a very nice picture. Michael is so cute here :) And the ladies are gorgeous :)

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