Two-legged pig

Friday, October 1, 2010

Pig learns to walk on two legs:
A pig which can walk on two legs has become a local celebrity in China. The 10-month-old porker is known by villagers as "Zhu Jianqiang" (Strong-willed Pig) after it was born with only two front legs and learned to balance on them well enough to walk. According to its owner, Wang Xihai, it was one of nine piglets born in a litter this January.
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3 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

A pig that talented you don't eat in one sitting.

Rumtopf said...

It's not like you can get any decent ham off of it :V

Anonymous said...

Hope someone donates one of those wheelie harnesses that disabled dogs use. That way the pig could pull herself around normally by her front feet. It would be easier on her and help her quality of life. The farmer probably wouldn't be able to afford one.

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