The top 100 most powerful women in the world

Friday, October 8, 2010

A top made by Forbes. Here's the top 10:
1. Michelle Obama - First Lady
2. Irene Rosenfeld - Chief Executive, Kraft Foods
3. Oprah Winfrey - Talk show host and media mogul
4. Angela Merkel - Chancellor
5. Hillary Clinton - Secretary of State
6. Indra Nooyi - Chief Executive, PepsiCo
7. Lady Gaga - Singer and performance artist
8. Gail Kelly - Chief Executive, Westpac
9. Beyonce Knowles - Singer, fashion designer
10. Ellen DeGeneres - Talk show host

The World's 100 Most Powerful Women | via
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6 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

So Lady Gaga is more powerful than Queen Elizabeth II??? WTF

Anonymous said...

They appear to have a strange definition of 'powerful'.

Anonymous said...

You mean this isn't the top "most hated" list?

Anonymous said...

It's a top topic in Germany. LOL You can guess why, I think it's funny.

Anonymous said...

Hmm this list seems to be heavily skewed towards american women.... there is a world outside the 50 states. How about Angela Merkel, the chancellor of germany, or the Argentinian president Cristina Fernandez, or Queen Elizabeth the 2nd, head of the 54 countries in the commonwealth of nations, with a population over 2 billion!

Anonymous said...

Where is the queen wtf :V worst list ever unless you count the US as the whole world.

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