New Cheezburger book: Teh Itteh Bitteh Book of Kittehs
Thursday, October 7, 2010
They say that after the first lolcat book, the geniuses at ICanHasCheezburger have pored over their copious archive of cat photos with misspelled captions and raised the bar for cuteness.
While the first book explained the LOLcat philosophy, the second helped readers live these tenets themselves. With Teh Itteh Bitteh Book of Kittehs, the focus is now on the cutest cat of all: tiny, heartwarming, adorable kittens. The result is page after page of uber- cuteness that will charm anyone who loves kitties (and those who just love to laugh at these frisky bundles of fur).Teh Itteh Bitteh Book of Kittehs
Also: How to Take Over Teh Wurld: A LOLcat Guide 2 Winning, LOLcat Bible: In teh beginnin Ceiling Cat maded teh skiez an da Erfs n stuffs
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