Looking for the 34th miner

Thursday, October 14, 2010

This is a BBC News article from 2 months ago:

According to an article published today on the same site, all the 33 miners were rescued. Whatever happened to the 34th one?

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Update: Found!
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6 comentarii:

Nicolás said...

They were only 33 miners, thos guys from the BBC were just misinformed

Anonymous said...

The unlucky 34th. He was the weakest link. Got eaten by the others maybe xD

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else watch it on FOX with the progress ticker X of 33 miners saved? It felt like I was playing a really slow version of StarCraft 2.

Anonymous said...



at least one mediatraining down the drain

Lizz said...

The BBC made so many errors during the rescue operation - they kept saying there were two rescuers to come back up when I'd seen 5 go down myself. They even mentioned that there were a total of 6 to get as I counted 10 on the screen. Idiots.

Phillip said...

cause this is a old news, 6 august the first day of the accident.

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