What came first, the chicken or the egg?

Friday, July 16, 2010

British scientists took matter into their own hands and came up with an answer. It was about time.
The scientific and philosophical mystery was purportedly unraveled by researchers at Sheffield and Warwick universities, according to the Daily Mail newspaper.

The scientists found that a protein found only in a chicken's ovaries is necessary for the formation of the egg, according to the paper Wednesday. The egg can therefore only exist if it has been created inside a chicken.
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5 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

The egg came first - It's a trick question.

- The question does not specify chicken egg & as there were creatures on the planet that laid eggs long before the chicken evolved: The egg came first.

Anonymous said...

It's just science vs creationism -- no one will ever be satisfied with an answer.

nachete said...

One day an egg produced a chicken as a tool to produce another egg.

Anonymous said...

God created all living things first, so 100% its chicken.

InVioletLight said...

This question can not be answered by religious literalism, nor by this attempt by "scientists"...

"The scientists found that a protein found only
in a chicken's ovaries is necessary for the
formation of the egg, according to the paper
Wednesday. The egg can therefore only exist
if it has been created inside a chicken

How could anyone possibly read this statement
and even begin to consider it a sensible
answer to the question?
Someone needs to clue these scientists in. Birds
evolved from dinosaurs. Everyone knows
that eggs existed before chickens did. This
egg-forming, chicken-ovary protein is NOT the
be-all and end-all of universal egg existence.

Is the protein present in ostrich eggs? Not
according to scientists. Could a similar
egg-forming protein perhaps be found in ostrich
ovaries, produced by ostrich hormones?

The first chicken as we know it today, or
"Gallus domesticus", was conceived by two
birds that were similar to a chicken, but did
not have all the correct DNA; these birds would
NOT be considered to belong to the species
Gallus domesticus. A slight mutation in
the production/replication of the embryo's DNA
caused it to hatch into a bird with DNA
consistent with what we identify as being
The progression is
almost-but-not-technically-a-chicken-bird -->
egg-containing-a-baby-chicken --> chicken

So study the above statement for a moment and
tell us now scientists - and please think about
it this time - what really came first?
All it takes is a little logic and common
sense... No time-consuming research,
supercomputers, or government funding required!

The world's first chicken hatched from an egg.
Though this egg was laid by a non-chicken, it
was a chicken egg, because it contained a
Therefore, the egg came first!

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