A man with two faces: Edward Mordrake

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Edward Mordrake

From Wikipedia:
Edward Mordrake (sometimes written Edward Mordake) is claimed to be a 19th century heir to one of the peerages in England who had an extra face on the back of his head. According to the story, the extra face could neither eat nor speak, but it could laugh and cry. Edward begged doctors to have his 'devil twin' removed, because, supposedly, it whispered horrible things to him at night, but no doctor would attempt it. He committed suicide at the age of 23.
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82 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

Modern Marvels also has a section on him: http://thehumanmarvels.com/?p=125

Anonymous said...

How can it only laugh and cry? But am sure the 'whispering horrible things at night' could have been untrue. Still very strange and sad.

mike said...

Also told by Tom Waits

Anonymous said...

This is not true. The photo is from a waxwork that was made for a tv programme if you look closely. It is not possible for a twin face to appear on the back of the head. Always top or side.

Anonymous said...

this is totally true, i have read the story of this. and it is terrible to have that thing. sigh*

Anonymous said...

Holy crap Voldemort is real.... HIDE YO KIDS, HIDE YO WIFE.

Anonymous said...

^^^ voldemort? hide yo kids hide yo wife? really? lmaoooooo ur funny. oh and this is kinda sad. :(

Anonymous said...

alot of sights basically just repeat what they say about him >.<

Anonymous said...

As I am the author of the Wikipedia entry, you may want to visit my complete article on the Subject of Edward Mordake.


Anonymous said...

Why didn't he just roll on to his back and smother it to make it shut up? Don't get me wrong its a horrible thing to happen but reall

lovewillfindaway said...

So sad
God bless ur soul

Anonymous said...

Dang that is scary if that happen to me

ano said...

how could it whisper to him, when you said so, the face couldn't speak?

Anonymous said...

He was obviously schizophrenic and the voices from the "extra face" were that!!

Anonymous said...

obviously its fake because. it couldnt eat or anything. wouldnt it die of mal nourishment ? makes you think.

Anonymous said...

Ever heard of parasites?They live off of other living things.

Anon said...

"obviously its fake because. it couldnt eat or anything. wouldnt it die of mal nourishment ? makes you think."

No, you moron. A face isn't an entire being in itself. It will (had this been true which I doubt) have been content with the food his 'regular' face was consuming...

I imagine it just needed moisturising now and again.

anonimus said...

oh that's life..it's ok..

Anonymous said...

Can you technically call him two faced?

Anonymous said...

I bet his mom caught some radiation from Hiroshima.


Anonymous said...

VOLDEMORT??? hahaha

jessica said...

if its true...he probably just said it whispered bad things and told him to do stuff in hope of getting it removed. i dont believe it was demonic. he probably killed himself because no one would help him and he felt abnormal.

Anonymous said...

^^^ But you posted... By your own definition that makes you a moron, yes?
The dude heard voices, that's where the 'whispering' came from.

Anonymous said...

they said it whispered to him but could laugh or cry and was apparently evil if it was evil couldnt it have just been that he made it appear as if it could laugh or cry to make people think edward was crazy and just talked to edward when he was alone?

Anonymous said...

it maybe drove him crazy

Anonymous said...

How sad...but freaky! If this really did happen, i can't even imagine how he must of felt.

Anonymous said...

Definitely looks evil.

Anonymous said...

Definitely looks evil.

Anonymous said...

Seems to me if the face could laugh then it should have been able to have talked.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you're retarded? He could eat which supplied his body which shared the other face.

Anonymous said...

Haha you are funny!! I love Harry potter so all I have to say is that is very clever!!

Anonymous said...

I doubt it could laugh, or cry, and the whispers he heard were in his head, literally it was a hallucination.

Anonymous said...

The face is attached to the rest of his body. Its not a being within itself. *facepalm*

Dima said...

I believe that the face does not have an own set of lungs or its own voice. U dont use voice when you whisper and it took the energy and oxygen from Edward. I believe in hell and demons and that means I also believe the face was only a demon that wanted Edward dead.

Anonymous said...

Actually if the face was satanic it wouldnt need any loungs or anything t o speak because it would have satanic powers and if satan actually did this he would have make it like that anybody couldnt see that the face was actually able to speak and i actually think that it was edwards own mind that made the "whispering" and also this isnt fake i have seen a document telling about him but if it actually whispered then it satans creation

Anonymous said...

this makes me scared

Anonymous said...

Cannot believe the amount of idiots that inhibit this world.
Okay to clear things up, the face would have definatey been unable to speak, edward would be the only person to 'hear' his TWIN as their minds are partially conjoined. Imagine thinking to your self; your not making any noise but you can hear yourself right? The face is not demonic, rather his twin parasitic brother. He would have no need to eat as he shares sustainance with edward, he would ultimately be a consciousness without a body being kept alive by his brother

Anonymous said...

That is really creepy!I saw this on 9gag last night and I thought I heard whispering so then I slept beside my 5-year old sister for protection. XD

Anonymous said...

I don't know why ur rude

Anonymous said...

Hours r diff......its 940pm ova heeree

Anonymous said...

Lmao!!! Wayyy toooooo funny

Anonymous said...

I don't want this to happen to me or the people I know .. If you have the second face that laughs and cry, people will avoid you ..

Dakii said...


Anonymous said...

He was schitzo', simple. He imagined the creature on his head speaking to him. Imagine the terror this poor creature suffered.

Anonymous said...

Craniopagus parasiticus

Anonymous said...

Look it up goofuses. Look at the photos and READ. It happens.

Anonymous said...

It laughed when he cried........

Anonymous said...

demonic? maybe it was just pissed off for having a pillow in its face all the time.

Anonymous said...

well, i heard it would laugh at just about any stupid joke. So, probably won him some social points, especially with the boss.

Anonymous said...

The meaning of life: people aren't buying enough hats

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Both of these comments are obviously just trying to create reactions. You both need to get off the internet and find some human decency. That would be greatly appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Two souls in one body, his twin was evil made the one with control cOmmit suicide

Anonymous said...

I would think that it was because he got depressed and just hullucinated and thought that it was whispering because he got quite crazy

Anonymous said...

You posted on here... just saying

Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same thing.. I would'a rolled over and killed it myself !!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys this is really a sad thing and yeah there is a saying where i come from & that is :-

the one who bears all the pain & troublesome things is the only one who could give the correct explanation of his/her problem....

Anonymous said...

Probably, because the other face like used his brain. The other face could've made him think something against his will that he didn't want himself to. It couldve possesed his mouth or something to make him talk and hear what he was sayin. Either way, me and my friends are scared shitless right now.

Anonymous said...

im scared now

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha. I was thinking about thAt too. Lol

Chels said...

if he were living now then he would get surgery...how many else like him are in the world

Anonymous said...

I would be scared of that shit too.

Anonymous said...

You ever thought of it not wanting to let any othet human no he can speak or laugh or cry an hes plan was tp torment thr person by whispering horrible things to Edward N making him sound loopy. This story is older them most of us so dont get ya nickers in a twist people it's only facts you cant prove. Believe it or not

Anonymous said...

I think the reason he could hear his whispers is because the other head is sharing a brain in which.the second heads thoughts transfer to edward mordrake whenever the second head thinks his whispers and thoughts supposly about hell

Anonymous said...

Couldn`t it be possible that the second face has used Edwards lungs too? Then it would have been able to speak... And it might have been a part of its evil plan only to talk when Edward was alone... I don't know if that is real or fake, but it sure is scary... If they would make a movie about that, I would watch it...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ffs It "supposidly" whispered things is what there saying there not saying it definitely did thrre just staying what coulda happened as the story goes , don't shoot the messenger though ...

Anonymous said...

It's not real, folks. Do your research.

Anonymous said...

He is real and his demonic soul visit you the following night, muhahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

From the author of The Human Marvels website comes After Life: True Tales of the Wandering Dead. Please click thru to make a contribution and support the new book. http://buff.ly/HX7peT

Anonymous said...

Iwish there was more info recorded about him

Anonymous said...

This is real to an extent. Edward mardake was a real person and he did have a face on the back of his head. Though it was unable to speak edward claimed it would talk to him at night. Reports claim that the extra face had eyes that would follow the observer and seemed to exhibit a form of malevolent intelligence. For instance, during his therapy sessions the face was said to smile and sneer when edward wept. Anyway, some is exaggerated but he was a real person.

Anonymous said...

Yes it is because it could be congoined some people have been born this way

The King of Tustin said...

thatd be pretty funny if he also had a little vagina on his back that kept him up by queefing every night

Anonymous said...

DioMeLiCiOuS...is in the house!!!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah I know I really feel bad for him I heard it could laugh and cry but not eat! And it whispered things to him at night,.. Maybe that part is not true but they said he killed himself because of it at the age of 23! Poor kid

Anonymous said...

Bruhhhhhh D;

manorsofthefarce said...

do the research, it's a hoax.. or least the picture is. (too many accounts of fiction in the overall legend.) people with two faces don't get a chance to have it that pretty.. normally it's an atrocious mess with a knob having teeth and maybe a patch of hair hanging from the head... )

Anonymous said...

What I'm wondering is can the second face bite

Joe knee said...

Parasitic twin

Joe knee said...

That is so cool!

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