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232 comentarii:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 232 Newer› Newest»Saved to my iPhone for future reference. THANKS!
the only one i like is granny smith ha ha..
granny smith for the win!
missing a lot of good apples... i'm mad
Yea the best apple is Granny Smith hands down.
This chart, without the Macintosh, is useless
macintosh is clearly the best. although a tip of the hat to granny smith, a good runner up.
tart apples ftw
fujis are the best! no competition!
Honey Crisps are far superior to any apple. If you have never had one I would recommend you get one now.
damn, for real, Im the only one that loves the golden delicious? Best fresh apple ever!
Anyone who says Granny Smith is the best has clearly never tasted a Honey Crisp apple. By far the best type of apple available to humans.
Are there apples not available to humans? Some sort of secret species the animal kingdom has been hiding from us? Also, I gotta agree with the granny smith camp, great out of hand and they make the best pies.
No Macs and no Cortlands? Is this some kinda apple chart for people who don't care about eating good apples?
What about the Bramley
I agree with Benny Lava. Cortlands are where it's at.
I LOVE HONEY CRISP APPLES!! And pink lady apples. Just began getting Gala apples. I'll try fiji next!
Stumbled Upon this and can't hit like enough times!!
Great chart. Fuji FTW
Where the hell are the Macintosh?
I thought Granny Smith was a sweet person! Not a tart one!
Rome apples are the best
All of the people touting Granny Smith have obviously never had a Honey Crisp. If they had, they'd have dropped that old tart in favor of what is clearly the best apple on the planet.
Jonagold and Gala are the best.
pink lady has been my favourite for years :) it's so delicious
It's McIntosh. Looks like Apple has forever influenced the misspelling of the yummy McIntosh with their "Macs"...
Honey Crisp, Gala and Pink Ladies always work for me. Strange that they're on such different places in the chart!
I'm a fuji girl through and through!
Fuji is not sweet - the way I read that chart its indicating Fuji as the sweetest.
Check out this apple link!
Cool chart!
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Jazz apples are the perfect combination of sweet and tart. They're usually a little more expensive than most other varieties, but worth it.
All those apples are types that are listed as "sweet" a.k.a. eating apples.
There's no mention of "sharp" or cooking apples, or bitter sweet and bitter sharp apples which are known as "cider apples" (where "cider" is the fermented beverage and not just cloudy apple juice like some of the good people of the US (mistakenly) call cider).....
granny smith is by far the best :)
Best apples are in Quebec in September,sweet,juicy,tart and firm
Pink Pearl and Black Twig are amazing. Black twig crispest and tartest apples I have ever had.
Red delicious = NOT delicious
I beg to differ. A red delicious in season (and the season is short) is super-crisp and perfectly tart and sooo delicious.
If you've never had a Nittany Apple you have never experienced the sweet tart crunch of the best apple ever.
Why is this graph even in a circle? The progression from sweetness to tartness ends and just starts over again. There's no cycle.
What is it with all these granny smith lovers? They are by far my least favourite apple, I'd go with any red one any day (or even yellow for that matter).
No love for Ambrosia?
Anonymous said...
"What is it with all these granny smith lovers?"
Agreed, what is this, 1975? My favorite is honey crisp, because they taste exactly like they sound.
I personally love the golden delicious. Granny Smith are too tart for me but golden delicious is the perfect medium between tart and sweet.
Real shame there's no bramley there. The only serious contender for a proper cooking apple.
i thought there were 2 kinds, red and green...
This is ridiculous! Why is nobody voting for Braeburns? :(
I just cannot believe nobody has picked Cameo, not only great in flavor, but texture is soooo much better.
Pippins or is it pippens are my favorite but I don't see them around anymore.
Its missing the best of them all...AMBROSIA
I feel like macintosh should be on there too. Its kinda hard to ignore...
I don't trust this chart.
This chart is pretty useless to me, since there are SO many other attributes that make a great apple (crispness, juiciness, and how long it stays fresh).
The Cameo is the only apple I've had that is consistently good in all those regards.
Northern Spy is more tart than a Granny smith! In fact, I bought some for my grandma once at a fruit market and the lady asked if I was making a pie, I said they were for eating. She gave me this look and said that Northern Spys were too tart to eat raw. I just laughed.
Custard apples, all the way.
Anyone who DOESN'T know HoneyCrisp is far superior to any apple will be very happy to stumble upon one. :) The BEST. The umami of apples.
on the internet no one can hear you scream
What a fantastic chart. I'm terrible at remembering what apple is good for what. I usually only buy one kind of apple~The Gala.
What???? No Mcintosh Apples on your list??? Or Courtland, Spy or Empire.
Not a very complete listing.
Red Delicious good for pies? I have NEVER heard that. Granny Smith's are good for pies, but too tart for me to eat fresh. For a good mix of sweet and tart, both for baking and eating fresh, I like the Jonagold.
Pippins made the best juice I've ever had.
A vote here for Granny Smith - the only one I like!
Macintosh, Cortland, Jonathan, Empire, Macoun, and Winesap are missing...
I'm from WV so I have to give it up for the Golden Delicious. And the Cameo, which hasn't been getting much love in the comments.
Granny Smith's were always my favorite UNTIL I tried a Honey Crisp...YUM
Pink ladies are pretty good too. They are basically granny smith apples with a subtle sweetness. Plus they are pink. Good stuff.
Hmmm... Why is there an asterisk after the pink lady?
Hey look! There's a squirrel!
Totally useless with out Macs and Cortlands which are devine!
Honeycrisp apples are like sex for the first time, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
No one's mentioned Pacific Rose yet. Come on guys! Not as good as a Honeycrisp, Jazz, or Ambrosia apple, but still among the best.
YAAAYYYY Macoun!!!!
most of the apples on this list are hybrids , and is lacking the absolute best apples for pie on the spectrum. spy and macintosh you should know your apples better before making a chart. most of the ones on this list that are recommended for pie are not dense enough and will make for really mushy pie filling
Granny smiths for the win.
honey crisps are so chronic. never heard of it but tried one the other day, so dank.
This is awesome. I didn't even know half of these existed.
Only Granny Smith's
Pink Pearl and Black Twig are amazing. Black twig crispest and tartest apples I have ever had.
Where are the macs? That's the only apple I ever eat!
If you haven't heard of them, look up Jazz apples. By far the best ever.
Pacific apple no question about it...:)
I'm from Washington, the apple capital of the world. And Honey Crisp apples are by far the best. They're crisp and not too sweet. And in season, they're pretty cheap.
id go for granny smith
Granny Smith <3
fuji and honeycrisp =) honeycrisp is the best, so juicy and crispy!
vuddabout elstar?
This is all wrong, I have been in the Apple Industry for over 10 years, and the order is completely messed up, honeycrisp is by far the sweetest, followed by fuji then jonagold, jonagolds are almost exactly the same as honeycrisp except they average a much larger size and dont have quite the crispness of a honey, fuji's have more of a mellow sweet taste, and galas are almost melon'y flavored.
Um, yeah. Gala apples are the best in my opinion. Hard like Granny but very sweet.
agreed, honeycrisp is DEFINITELY the sweetest, and most delicious!
honey crisp for days
Pink ladies are soooo tasty. They are definitely my favorite.
Fuji apples ftw! I love those.
you forgot MACINTOSH. The best apple in the world... fools.
Great list!
i discovered honey crisp late last year and haven't had any other type of apple since. by far the best apple out there, true to its name, this apple is the perfect mix between sweet and tartness. studies agree that honey crisp is becoming a new best-seller among apples, everyone should definitely give it a try.
If no ones gonna say it then I'm going to,
DOES NOBODY LIKE THE EMPIRE?? Best apples ever man! <3
woah woah woah woah. clearly this chart needs JAZZ APPLES. they are soo delicious and crunchy
What the, how can they put pink lady's on the tart side?? They freaking taste like cotton candy.
some are heirloom, some are household names... this is a good idea, but not done very well.
fujis are no doubt the best i've tasted em all fresh!!!!
although it depends on how u like it:)
I have had honey crisps and they were NO where near as sweet and juicy as the Fuji' i have had. Fujis are with out a doubt the single best apple ever!
I endorse gala apples
Ahh, Honey Crisp this, Honey Crisp that! I discovered a new yellow apple variety and it makes Honey Crisp taste like dog food! I'm bringing it to market - Just wait a few more years... ;)
Tastes like: Caramelled cotton candy, but not too sweet, with marshmallow, cream and vanilla, and everything else that is good... somewhat melting on the tongue! Mmmmm!!!
granny smith tastes like old people balls
I agree with Jennifer. Fuji apples are my favorite. I live in Washington apple country so, we get really frsh and crispy apples.
I do love Granny Smith apples in my chicken salad though. :)
Never knew there was so many types of apples.
Not shown is the wonderful Winesap.
so, where's the Stayman (a.k.a. "Winesap)?
There are much more than 12 varieties of apples. Those are very too industrial for me
Interesting...I like the icons for recommended uses...I wonder what the best apple for pies is? I know that I've never had a store-bought pie that could hold a candle to my Mom's apple pie :)
our family go apple picking in the NC mountains every year. This will def. be used this year! Thanks
What the, how can they put pink lady's on the tart side?? They freaking taste like cotton candy. clearly this chart needs JAZZ APPLES. they are soo delicious and crunchy...
Thanks for the best was very useful for me.keep sharing such ideas in the future as well.this was actually what i was looking for,and i am glad to came here
Very interesting article, thank you for sharing with us.
Great stuff, very useful and interesting. I appreciate that you share this ideas.Thanks.
For those interested in one of the best tasting apples try the new SweeTango variety. This variety was engineered by the same University of MN group that developed the Honey Crisp. A very crisp, crunchy apple with the perfect balance of sweet and tart....try them!
LOL I typed, in Google, "What is the crunchiest, tastiest apple?" and found this site and all your comments. I "still" don't know which one to try first! I just don't like the kind that taste mushy and tasteless. Maybe it would help to know what kind THAT is, so I can avoid buying them!
where do pinova apples fit???
Where do you think Goldrush apples would fall on this chart. I think it's just an apple from Ohio?
Apparently some kind of "Apple" apple, LOL!
I cannot STAND super sweet apples. Ugh! Honey Crisp and Cripps Pink (not on here) are by far the best!
Honeycrisp is the best apple! So sweet, firm, juicy and bursting with flavor. It's like the candy, that's not! Pink Lady is good too. I like any apple that is real crisp, firm and sweet. Soft apples are gross, and fruit is supposed to be sweet, people! Come on! Honeycrisp FTW.
Envy apples and ambrosia apples neither of which are on here, are supurb
Opal apples are the best! Seasonal from January to mid April.
Adams apples...
Fuji is the best! Anyone has bad gums like I do, Fuji is the only apple that doesn't cause sourness in my gum after eating. Other apples,doesn't matter how sweat it may taste, hurt my gum, which means they are tart.
these comments are mistaken as I see little love for Gala apples despite them being the best tasting apples on the planet. sweet, SUPER FRESH, yet crunchy.
fuji is subpar.
i think pink ladies always look the best. they rarely have bruises. ladies get my vote..
Granny Smith and I have a thing
This list is stupid because it suggests that every apple has a fixed amount of tartness + sweetness, when in fact some apples are tart AND sweet while others might be totally bland lacking both tartness and sweetness. Honeycrisps are quite sweet, much more so than the chart implies, while offering a nice amount of tartness to brighten it up. Fujis, on the other hand, are quite sweet but lack any tartness making them taste rather flat and boring. Ambrosias are also quite good, but they can be hit and miss in my experience.
: )
The comments here remind me of why I find humans so annoying and lacking in logic. Over and over again people here keep stating what the "best apple" is, with many comments suggesting there is something wrong with anyone who does not like what they do. Asinine people. Can't you people comprehend that not everyone has the same preferences and what tastes good too you does not taste good to EVERYONE. I personally hate Honeycrisps. I only like really tart apples and my favorites are fresh Pippins, which I enjoy the flavor and texture of much more than Granny Smith, but Pippins very hard to find these days.
The Hildago-Brahms butter apple, the Vanish apple, the northern alps Lucent, sacred Bhramaputra delite,...common sprist adjunct apples are dazzling. The fall river squatting otter apple is one flavor mishap away from oblivion condoning its particular wardrobe of taste but must be admired on the eyetooth for its succinct thermal viscosity and inherent whimsical breakdown factor. But the best apple missing from this chart? Bravehorn ubiquitist doppleganger nanny imperials from Uzbekistan. Mmmm craveworthy and forlorned by many as effervescently transmissive to thr Oppenheimer Oracle death gargle choke apple's variant indemnity. Thank you.
Anyone else think Honeycrisps are overrated? I've only tried one, and perhaps it wasn't a good one. It literally tasted like slightly sweetened perfume water. Seriously...perfume! Yuck! I prefer Pink Ladies, Jazz, and even a (good) Red Delicious.
No pie for braeburn? Really? I think it's better in pie then granny smith. And why are nearly all the apples on this chart red?
Ambrosia rocks! And dont forget about the Kiku! Less know but very sweet!!
I agree also jazz and pinata are great too
Agreed jazz apples are the best!!!!
Having tried pink lady, red delicious, fuji, royal gala, jazz... my favourite so far is jazz. one more kind i tried looks like braeburn or jonagold (coles apples kids pack) which tasted ok but i still prefer jazz.
To all those people saying the chart is inaccurate...
There can be a WIDE range and lets be honest drought or rain can affect the sweetness of any particular variety.
I do agree that Fuji is pretty sweet though. I had one the other day and I could of sworn I tasted caramel in there somewhere...
Jazz apples are the best! Period...period...PERIOD. 😁🍎
Cortlands. Huge, juicy, sweet. Great for baking and just munching.
PINK LADIES by far.... Crisp, Juicy and Tart
I think the best baking apple is Granny Smith. It doesn't come out crunchy. I would like to find a sweeter Apple that bakes the same way.
Ambrosia are the best hands down!
Best apple I've had is a topaz. By far. I can't wait until they're in season again! Used to like braburns,honey crisps, and granny smiths. 2nd favorite would be kiku
pink ladies!, not only are they the best tasting, they're the most nutritious
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