Jessi Slaughter, the 11-year-old viral video superstar, and her family, placed under police protection after receiving death threats

Monday, July 19, 2010

They fail to mention if it's the cyberpolice or the state police:
More than 1.7 million people have seen the foul-mouthed Floridan's breakdown and laughed at her dad's luddite rage. But the video, "You Dun Goofed Up," wasn't the only thing to go viral: Jessi Slaughter's real name, address and phone number was distributed widely via Internet pranksters, Tumblr and other online backchannels. (Read the full back-story here.) We spoke with Jessi's mother, Dianne Leonhardt, on the phone today. She tells us the family has received a slew harassing phone calls since the video went viral Thursday.

According to Leonhardt, some of those phone calls have been death threats, and the local sheriff's department has launched a criminal investigation into the video. Jessi was placed under police protection and brought to a safe house soon after it went viral. She came home today, but she's not online: A court order has barred her from using the Internet for at least three days.

Leonhardt says the family is under "24/7 police surveillance" but still doesn't feel safe knowing that anyone on the Internet could have their home address. "We've had may, many death threats," she says. "We're afraid to leave the house. We're afraid to go to bed. We're sleeping in shifts, my husband and I am." Above all, Leonhardt says, "I wan't my life back. I want my daughter's life back."
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3 comentarii:

CoNsPirAcY said...

Video plz.. :)

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the father will keep a tighter rein on his daughter from now on....she should have never taken on /b/.

And now...for the lulz....

biotv said...


Sorry about that, both videos in the link fixed :)

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