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87 comentarii:
This is kind of depressing.
And we all go about complaining about how bad life is. Live is wonderful and each day brings new miracles. Perspective perspective perspective!
There's only a 50% literacy rate world wide?
And most people have more debt in 1st world countries surely? People in 3rd world countries may have nothing, but pretty much everyone over 18 in Britain and the UK at least have negative money.
I know that's not really the point. But anyways..
What is the take away message from this? That we should shut up, that we should donate money to someone? That we should refuse a raise? I know we are fortunate to be born in the western world, but this just creates guilt without giving us any idea how to rectify the situation. Its like going to a birthday party and being given a slice of cake and the host telling you that you should feel lucky because it's the last one and now all the other people don't get to have any. You didn't ask for the last slice and you don't want to keep everyone else from having any, but giving your one slice to one other person means you just treated them preferentially and now the same number of people don't get any. Maybe we should just divide the pieces more evenly so we all get a little cake. PS - I'm a socialist.
Making up numbers is FUN! There is nothing close to a fact here.
Totally agreed with Jeff.
We shouldn't have to feel guilty because we were basically born in the western world.
World wide illiteracy is around 1 billion, not three billion...
If we sterilised all those poor people they couldn't breed and the numbers would go down over time. Or we could just shoot them now and shorthand the process.
75% of all statistics are made up on the spot. Also, I am not 'blessed' just lucky.
Yeah, feeling pretty lucky. Also the statistics are pretty off. But hey, it looks good in a poster. Hey, so what percentile would you be if you own your own medium-sized company?
62.7% of all statistics are made up 82.7% of the time. 83.9% of people belive that if you use decimal places in your statistics that they have a 73.2% chance of not being false.
where the fukc did this information come from?! this is complete BS.
id like to see sources. it is touching, but the numbers are pulled out of someones ass. sources and it would be great
AND i read it on my $2000 computer!
"So many people in western societies don't even know about the mass killings in other countries or countless people who don't have enough to eat."
Blah blah America Sucks blah blah
This is just pretentious rambling by someone who thinks he's cleverer than the rest of the world... The western societies are just like all societies ever, there are smart people and there are idiots.
I don't think the point is to make you feel guilty. it's to make you appreciate what you have. we're all so lucky.
*kicks back* ahh... it's good to be on top (or at least near it)
If you want to raise awareness, do it with facts, not some crap pulled of thin air. And I do appreciate what I have. I don't need some holier-than-thou uninformed dipshit trying to educate me.
Oh, and for all the morons trashing the U.S. as greedy and uncaring, we are the most charitable nation in the world. THAT'S a FACT.
this was intended to inspire people and make them appreciate what they have -even if that feeling lasted less than 30 seconds- it still had some impact. so for the people out there putting this down, don't take everything so seriously and please try to see the good in everything.
God bless you Jeff, God bless you. That being said, this pic was a bit of a well deserved slap in the face.
3 billion is incorrect. that would mean half of the world is illiterate. where do you get your facts??!
and yet I still don't care...
Im hungry, think ill go get a really expensive sandwich at an internet cafe.
Yeah a lot of people couldn't read that because most people in the world don't know how to read or speak English. I shouldn't have to feel guilty because of where I was born--especially since I am not one of those well fed white people from America and Europe who are arrogant enough to speak against sending GMO food to Africa which could save millions of lives--I'm also not one of those people who are against condom use and go all the way to AIDS ridden Africa to preach to people that it's a sin against God to protect their bodies.
We too have struggles, there are starving people in the US, I intend to help them, there are people who live in oppression here as well. It may not be as bad, but there's still something to be said. I just hate it when people think that they should shove the fact that people starve in our faces, when they are most likely to be people who are against GMOs and other scientific discoveries that help those who starve. You can talk shit, but are you really helping anyone with what you say and do.
regardless, it's important to have perspective.
Dear whatshername13,
Fail. Now stop making posters and get back in the kitchen.
The World
Did any of you think that the statement about not being able to read this message maybe wasn't just talking about illiterate people but also people that just dont have access to a computer?
just sayin..
Feels good man (Y)
Woah, I think the poster did it's job and hit a lot of nerves. Way to be passionate about being defensive. I liked it, completely true or not. We all need a bigger dose of social awareness. Being taken down a few notches in our own eyes and maybe raising others up a few is not a bad thing.
It always makes me so sad when I read the comments that follow images along this line.
Capitalist's bitch because they feel "deserve" their station in life, completely ignoring the 300 years of oppression, the mass industrialization and exploitation of third world country's and the European colonialism (Imperialism, and yes, the UNITED STATES was just as bad as any other dominant power)that set so many of these countries back while we stole resources, labor and slaves...
Socialists fail to see the problem is "currency" and not the particular system that we employ, but rather the fact that we employ a system at all.
Christians see it as their holy duty to alleviate suffering, but ignore our forced intrusion on their lands and cultures (As if there's any culture aside from western culture anymore)and instead feel comfortable preaching inherent evil, dead zombies, and that man is "not an animal".
Atheists like to argue with Christians about whether there is a God or not, and Christians argue back... Yet if you were to remove Christianity or Atheism from the planet completely, how much change do you honestly think you'd see? Both views are reactions to our culture and it's influence in our belief systems. Christians are really just totalitarian agriculturalists who started to realize their way of life was wrong and searched the heavens for an answer. Atheists are their dis-believing spawn who are just as likely to ignore the real issues facing the planet and blame it on "the republicans, capitalists, money" or some other bull honkey quick fix reactive nonsense. Both sides of that argument need to grow up and realize that you aren't different at all... you both have beliefs in the same spectrum of beliefs just at opposite ends, but in the finality of the situation neither belief will save you or your children.
Communists are oppressors, dictators murder..
The Western World produces more food each year, and yet more people starve each year than the previous.
Famine follows agriculture, and a starving race can no more start to grow crops than a man falling out of a plane can manufacture a parachute. It is NOT their fault they were born in an incredibly repressed area of the globe, with little options other than to survive, while the rest of the world watches and boasts about being the "Most Charitable".
Not one good comment on this entire post, each of you needs to look inwards and weep; because this culture, your parents, your teachers, your gameboys and internet... it's all failed you. And I hope before you die that you can watch it all fall down around your head, watch this culture that you refuse to seperate from finally reach its obvious destiny and destroy itself... Good luck, you sightless generation.
I think the relevant information really helps put things in perspective.
I like this. If you feel like you are poor or life is treating you like crap, knowing that millions upon millions of people are in a worse situation than you... It really puts things into perspective and lets you realize you are not so special (putting it bluntly).
and if you've got enough time to make stupid judgmental images...
If I'm reading this using my own internet connection and my own personal computer where do I stand?
Good -- something new to send idiots who whine about 'poverty' in the USA.
There's not ONE person in the US who is in poverty or close to it. Poor people here are more likely to be overweight than richer people. Stop whining and wasting money on psychologists. No one in America has any real problems. If you're feeling down, splash some cold water on your face and move on, you spoiled brats.
this is amazing, people are more willing to fight over the internet than to help others. GET REAL AND GET OVER YOURSELVES! if you care that much get the fuck off off of this and make a difference!
Almost every single person who commented on this picture is pathetic. You can rant and rave all you want, "but the Lord just laughs for he sees your day of judgement coming." Psalm 37:13. Now all of those who like to make fun of Christianity can follow this verse with whatever you'd like; I'd love you to actually. Honestly, I don't know what's worse: Being illiterate or actually being able to read all of this and witness how useless and disgraceful the human race has actually become. Illiterate, starving, or roofless.. at least they aren't heartless.
I'm not completely believing that these numbers are legit, but it gets the point across. i dont think its about making feel guilty, i think theyre trying to convey that we (the people that can read that) really lucky, even though we dont always realize it. i mean sure most of us realize in general we are lucky, but other stuff that seems important gets in the way a lot. it kinda makes me, at least, feel less bothered about my problems knowing its really nothing compared to real life or death problems. and by the way, when i first read the part about most people not being able to read it, i thought of blind people. haha smart that way. also one of the things that bother me more than anything are people who post offensive comments spouting crap about how everyone is an idiot except them for being christian, capitalist, american, alive, anything. seriously, anything better to do with your time? i agree with dorene reno. but also i agree that we shouldnt feel guilty either, again, its about us remembering that we are lucky.
i lol'd
Call me thankless, but I still want a flying car and a bigger TV.
Shhhhhh! We should try to keep this a secret and pretend to have it bad here.
I think the person who made this poster should shut up before we lose it all!!
(by the way, no facts = bullshit)
(We really do have it bad here!)
well now i feel like a jerk
yeah thats pretty depressing
That's Bull. Totally untrue
I'm sure that less than 3 billion people can read English...
So since I have no money in the bank, no money in my wallet and no spare change, no electricity in my home, no food at home at all, and living off the generosity of my friends can feel all good again. Nice =)
Obviously made up statistics are obviously made up.
hmm... yet i still don't care
good to be at the top...
just nuke 'em
put them out of their misery
wow. this really puts things into perspective.
This comes from a popular chain mail that went around in the early ninties. Same statistics, same numbers, same everything. If these statistics were based in fact at all, they're at least 15 years old, and possibly much older than that.
This isnt about feeling guilty. It's more of a "before you start bitching because your cable went off during a storm think about all of the blessing you have" type of thing.
:/ the romans built coliseums and temples while africans build mud huts.... im realy confused on how the world works... what were africans doing during the roman empire?
Reading these comments has made me hate people even more than I already did. You people don't deserve the lives you live.
That is because I am fucking awesome.
I love living in the U.K.!
I like animals better humans.
And Jeff = ftwlogic. :D
I'm grateful for my life. These "facts" are off-base but I still want to help the less fortunate. I think helping others should cancel out the shitty feelings we're apparently supposed to feel for being well-off
All these numbers are obviously crap.
All of the above numbers are made up, but apparently the author thought the message was more important than the facts. Hitler comes to mind.
The author failed to realize that anyone reading the poster, would be unable to do anything to improve those numbers, effectively wasting everyone's time. The sole purpose of the poster seems to be making the author feel better about life, which if you think about it, is what is wrong with the world. Thank you very much, author, for telling the world how selfish and shallow you truly are.
Looking at our problems, comparing them to other parts of the world, and labeling them "not so bad comparatively" does not make them any less problems. Realistically from our better state we should be the ones taking care of our large problems and working to make the whole world a better place. Loser.
You should put the higher statistics on the bottom.
Being among the healthiest 99.96% of the world population doesn't make me feel bad enough.
I think the 3 billion number should be a little higher because it doesn't just say "can't read", it says "can't read this". theres a lot more people out there that can read but not in english. either way this was probably made on a $2700 mac by some douche in $70 jeans that wanted to make himself feel better by acting like he gives a shit. its cool though he drives a hybrid.
Its good to be at the top :)
"World wide illiteracy is around 1 billion, not three billion..."
Yeah, but the sign is in English. Most people in the world can't read English, even if they're literate.
HA.... sucks for everyone else then.. get ur facts straight and maybe ill care... thankyou <3
God Bless America!
terrible terrible post
I just can't life happily knowing that more of the 75% of the world is having a life that is not deserved by any human being.
So? Survival of the fittest.
[citation needed]
Good points
...but bad facts
lol half the world cant read
Guilt never fixes anything. Be proactive. Don't just condemn us for having. Present a way to fix the problem.
The point is to make you appreciate what you have and how we are all so lucky.
This message isn't to make you feel guilty. people are so naive. its to make you appreciate what you really have because there are millions of people in the world who would kill to have what you have. Jeff and people who agreed with Jeff just prove that you are dumb, naive and caught up with society. have some sympathy ass holes and learn to really appreciate everything you have everyday.
the funny thing is, if you are living in a ajot first world power ala, the U.S. caused all the shit to happen. have fun with your oil spills and CIA
Global literacy is 82%... This is garbage.
Sure they outlaw cannibalism and wonder why people are hungry.
Can they not read this because they don't speak English?
This isn't designed to make you feel guilty for simply BEING blessed, you idiots. This is designed to make you feel guilty for complaining about your life. It's designed to make you feel grateful for what you have.
If you do some research, you will find that perhaps 80% of people live on less than 10 dollars a day. I surpassed that mark before I left my house this morning. I'm sure many of you are in the same boat.
There is a difference between the statements "3 billion people cannot read" and "3 billion people cannot read this message."
Please learn to interpret a message correctly before you denounce it as bullshit.
I seriously doubt any of those numbers are true, but I suppose it does put things into perspective.
I think we often forget just how lucky we all are just to be born in a country where starving to death isn't something we have to worry about.
Why is this in stumbleupon's humor section????
I don't think it is world wide illiteracy that is 3 billion. I think that there are 3 billion people can't read English.