Some Keanu Reeves facts

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Update: Some more Keanu Reeves facts
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161 comentarii:

Tiago Duarte Dias said...

The Ottoman Empire dissolved after World War I, not World War II. =)

ForensicMama said...

I'm dumber for having read this. Thank you for killing my IQ.

Anonymous said...

/v/ did this...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Point Break = Epic Win!

justjoeindenver said...

You're forgetting basic quantum theoretical metaphysics. He clearly manifested an alternate reality through acting as "Ted" wherein his character had the ability to move throughout time, thus creating an alternate reality in which he trapped himself back in time. The concurrent rupture caused by this twist in the space-time continuum resulted in the character "Ted" wholly unable to return to the reality as Keanu as he had already returned to this reality when he misread the script in an earlier take, and created a loop.


Anonymous said...

How is it possible that after 100 years or more of practice he still cant act then?

Anonymous said...

Hey kiddos, it's not because of the fact that Reeves is immortal, it's just the fact that Reeves is the same generic dude from throughout time.

Lame actor is lame, and same actor is same.

Anonymous said...

This is Hilarious. You should make more of these

Anonymous said...

Paul Mounet died when he was old...

Anonymous said...

Arrrgggghhhhhh THE DUMB.....GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

^^^That's what you think...

Anonymous said...

That's what she said...

Anonymous said...

The idea is far fetched at best. I think you've seen too many time-travel and science fiction films. BUT, I dare say the grounds for Reeves being related to Mounet in some way are far greater chances. Did he know his grandparents? Or maybe a distant uncle? It's a lot more likely.

Joe said...

Weird stuff, though I find it hard to reconcile anything when bloggers don't find the time to research how to spell "Ottoman" correctly. Also, the ties between Lebanon and France are about as strongly pronounced as those between say, the U.S. and Uruguay.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

dude i made this macro, did you find it on 4chan?

Anonymous said...

The name you can call me is Concord. I have been ordered to attempt to prevent the destruction of the Species that call themselves Humans and All of the lifeforms living on their planet. I cannot forcefully change The human mind. You must find it within yourselves. There is much doubt that you humans are intelligent enough to live peacefully with each other and your planet. The few humans that truly are at peace with Life are brainwashed until they forget how simple it is to Love and care unconditionally. I do not understand why you humans work so hard to destroy your natural born instinct to love and work together with nature without destroying your home.The destruction of your planet can only be stopped by your children. Everyday that passes you fill their minds with the evils created by the Adults until they loose their connection with the universe and forget their not Superior but a equal part of the circle of life. You must stop filling your children minds with The evils Adults pass to each other. Change your ways. The Humans who refuse to change must be destroyed or they will surely destroy your planet.

Anonymous said...

Was Mounet reported to have been able to actually act? If so despite the coincidences there is no way that they are the same person.

Anonymous said...

Do you realize that Reeves would have to be over 100 years old to be Mounet? This is dumb. They just look alike.

Anonymous said...

It's a joke...

Anonymous said...

Hey Concord. You misspelled lose.

thepunkrockmom said...

Oh Concord, I guess even aliens have no understanding of grammar. You poor thing.

Anonymous said...

keanu is from honolulu, hawaii, he has good reason to be ashamed of his background, i would be if i got that BIG. just remember the whole rebirth thing. i know this cuz i'm from hawaii. he only goes wit this story cuz it somewut makes sense, maybe he did come from there......once, died, en was reborn a hawaiian that doesn't even look hawaiian, i mean have u seen his dad, full on moke action! lolz but still i believe it. just waiting for the war

Anonymous said...

maybe he should go on that new show who do you think you are. I think its celebs that find out about their ancestors... and yes this is idiotic

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
How is it possible that after 100 years or more of practice he still cant act then?
June 11, 2010 6:16 AM"

I was just thinking the SAME THING!!!!!!

Chris said...

Nice find on those lookalikes. Anyway, the stupid in the comments hurt my brain. People are actually that stupid that they think this is ment to be a fact, not a joke.

Anonymous said...

Um...WW2 didn't happen around 1920...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, he's the French guy for sure. That's why he isnt in his late 80s and was in the Bill and Ted movies as a teenager. Yup.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes years pass before a soul reincarnates. You speak as angry people. Concord is right. Where is your love?

Every word you speak creates yor future. Speak wisely.

Anonymous said...

This is halerious. To those who believe it: I look like meryl streep but that doesnt make me meryl streep. Dumb and dumber.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

This is halerious. To those who believe it: I look like meryl streep but that doesnt make me meryl streep. Dumb and dumber.
June 13, 2010 4:21 AM - lolugay

bek00letz said...

Well...he is the Chosen One, right? LMAO

Anonymous said...

They don't really look all that much alike. France has had control over many other countries and territories in the past (and still does), how is that a connection? Clearly you are desperately grasping at straws to fulfill a ridiculous fantasy only plausible in your own mind.

Anonymous said...

Well, how does this make the 2nd and 3rd Matrix-Movie any more interesting? What if he's a Zombie, who cares as long as he keeps on shooting crap movies.

Anonymous said...

Except for the fact that he couldn't grow a full beard when he was in Much Ado About Nothing in 1993... and Mounet obviously didn't have that problem.

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure this was a joke ppl...get a life

Bill said...

He moved to Canada not the USA after leaving Lebanon

Anonymous said...

To Anon:

Fail on /v/
If I'm correct, and I am, it is /b/ that is what you intended to reference; I am not however, recommending anyone to 4chan...enter at your own risk..

Anonymous said...

hes canadian. may have been born in lebanon but grew up in canada.

Anonymous said...

If that were true, he'd be a better actor by now.

Anonymous said...

If that were true, he'd be a better actor by now.

Anonymous said...

nice try...

I want more. Maybe he is the ONE lol!!!

Anonymous said...

He grew up in Canada and went to my elementary no, he is not the same person as this french nub!

Anonymous said...

he is actually born in Canada, my sister use to be his neighbor

Unknown said...

why would an immortal actor have no talent?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dear Concord: "Everyday that passes you fill their minds with the evils created by the Adults until they loose their connection with the universe and forget their not Superior but a equal part of the circle of life." - ALL YOUR FAIL ARE BELONG TO ME. It should be: Every day (two words) that passes, (comma) you fill their minds... lose (not loose--to lose means to not have any longer, to loose means to let go or not hang on as tightly) their connection...forget they're (they are) (not a) equal part of the circle of life. Oh, and no need to capitalize the word 'Adults.' For anyone who doesn't know, ... is an ellipse that is used to indicate words deliberately left out.

Anonymous said...

He is Neo. He was perfect for & in that role. Quit knocking him.

Anonymous said...

I am absolutely convinced this must be true. In 50 years Keanu will have to fake his death again and become somebody else. I would advise him to do a better job erasing his trail next time.

Anonymous said...

Concord, one thing.

Obvious troll is obvious.

Anonymous said...

I am convinced. he is immortal. i'm not gonna do anything about it, though.

Anonymous said...

I stumbled in but can't stumble out. Way to keep me here dick.

Anonymous said...

You would think he would have learned to act by now.

Anonymous said...

besides all of the holes that other ppl pointed out, keanu reeves was a teenager in "bill & ted's excellent adventure" so he can't be an old guy

Anonymous said...

FYI: According to this bio: he was born in Lebanon. He did spend time in NYC and Toronto. His NAME is Hawaiian, but he is not from Hawaii.

Anonymous said...

my god this is outstanding die

Anonymous said...

OMG so you are saying that Keanu Reeves is an immortal vampire.
What a load of Tosh!

Anonymous said...

he's the highlander

Anonymous said...

Take his head, gain his power. There can be only one.

Anonymous said...

Du people look like other people sometimes are the same people herp derp

Unknown said...

He created Twilight the movie...

Anonymous said...

Maybe that one dude just had a kid.

Joseph D. Smith said...

Awesome! If this were true, then how is he still so young?

Anonymous said...

keanu isn't french though...OR lebonese.

James said...

This must be true! Great proof :D I knew it!

Anonymous said...

This can not be true: if it was, Keanu would be a better actor with all those years of experience.

Anonymous said...

Imagine that two people born in the same region might look alike.

Anonymous said...

wow, i actually want to punch some of you in the face.

zama said...

all this years and he still can't learn how to act? amazing

Marc said...

This only proves that Keanu needs to buy a new suit - it looks like he is wearing the same one in both the '94 and '08 pictures...

Anonymous said...

Maybe Keanu has lived so long he has decided to have some fun and see how badly he can act and still have a career... Or maybe ha has acted so long that he has become bored with all forms of human expression... so many possibilities....

GregorDimnik said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

waw, osem!

greetings from sLOVEnia, :-)


Anonymous said...

oh lord... so many dumb people that can't understand a joke...

Anonymous said...

Keanu doesn't even have an accent. -.-

Anonymous said...

Chuck Norris is immortal

Anonymous said...

see i would totally believe this, except how did mister paul mounet get to the name keanu reeves? it's rather unconventional, especially compared to his original generic 'paul'. that is the part that doesn't make sense to me. the rest of the logic is sound though.

Anonymous said...

I totally believe all that is true..there are only so many molds that are used to make us!

Anonymous said...

there a comic series called the immortals that touches on that mold thing you mention there... also if it were true, i suppose there was enough time in between his prolific acting careers to learn how to speak with an american accent, or canadian, whatever the case may be...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Elvis lives

Anonymous said...

Something that is even more strange is that Keanu Reeves moved from Lebanon to Canada, where they speak - yeah, French and English.

Anonymous said...

the only hole in this theory is that keanu is possibly the worst actor of all time. you would think someone who is immortal would improve over time and be outstanding . . . like legolas with a bow and arrow. furthermore, a immortal human being would want to stay out of the limelight as to not bring attention to himself. not parade around and have his secret revealed.

Anonymous said...


If you are going to pull someone up on their spelling and grammar, learn the difference between an ellipse and an ellipsis. Douche.

Ellipsis (plural ellipses; or "three little points of suspension"; from the Greek: ἔλλειψις, élleipsis, "omission") is a mark or series of marks that usually indicate an intentional omission of a word in the original text.

In geometry, an ellipse (from Greek ἔλλειψις elleipsis, a "falling short") is a plane curve that results from the intersection of a cone by a plane in a way that produces a closed curve.

Jorgen said...

It's a shame that Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure totally disproves any bullshit you're trying to prove.

Evil Creamsicle said...

What you've just posted is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard. At no point did you even come close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this site is now dumber for having seen it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Anonymous said...

once you reach max level, you stop leveling

Joey said...

So he's been alive for over 100 years, and yet he can only act the same way in every movie? Poor investment in immortality Mounet. This article was a good laugh. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Looks about 10 years older in the two photos. Where does the immortal tag come into it?

Anonymous said...

ooopps sorry your wrong. did he look like he was around in 1920 when he did the bill and ted movies?

Anonymous said...

he is....the one

Anonymous said...

biggest thing they share is looks. ever think that maybe he's just a long lost relative?

Anonymous said...

haha good find stumbled on this.

Neal said...

It depends, was Mounet also a really bad actor?

Anonymous said...

its even more astounding how retarded you are.

Anonymous said...

ww2 did not end in the 20s

Anonymous said...

Just like to say apparently Reeves is English, Hawaiian, Chinese, and Portuguese....Just saying

Anonymous said...

This might convince people if there were no pictures/videos of either of them in childhood, but reality kinda puts a damper on that

Anonymous said...

the dumb... it hurts

Anonymous said...

One would hope that after ~80 years he could have learned to show so emotion while acting.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure this has been said, but if keanu reeves had about 100 years acting experience he would probably have at least a bit of skill to show for it. 100 years old maybe not but i will believe hes made of wood.

Anonymous said...

Ive know it for years.

Anonymous said...

DUH!! Surely he will invent the time machine and go back to france and die AS Paul Mounet. Is obvious!

Anonymous said...

I think you underestimate my ability to ignore things

Anonymous said...

maybe this is the MOST stupid thing i have ever commented on
forensicmamma said it best, i am dumber for reading this, thank you for killing my iq

Anonymous said...

agreed. This is literally the dumbest thing I've ever read.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Paul Mounet was at least capable of growing an actual beard.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Posicionamiento web at least this is #%^ strange

Anonymous said...

fail. sad, sad fail.

Anonymous said...

This made my brain poot and squeak a little.

Anonymous said...

You people don't understand that this is meant to be a joke. The person who created this obviously was joking. It's the product of 4chan and too much free time.

Calm down.

Anonymous said...

He is a Naturalized Canadian born in Beirut. End of story. Fun story though! Canada Rules!!!

Anonymous said...

He just hasn't appeared to of aged because he has no emotion.

Anonymous said...

How truthful are these new shocking revelations?

Anonymous said...

:/ fail. Worst stumble ever.

magicstuffness said...

Anonymous said...

yes, the evidence is astounding. After nearly a century, Paul Mounet hasn't aged a day, and had actually become WORSE at acting. Gotta love science.

Anonymous said...

Eddies in the space time continuum.

Is he?

Anonymous said...

It's so funny to see you guys get so worked up about something that is supposed to be a joke not a fact. The thing is you say this is so stupid, but it not supposed to be real or true just some coincidence that the two actors look alike. You people are stupid for taking this as a guy trying to make a real point about how Keanu is a old ass actor.

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Anonymous said...

hahaha this just made my freaking day!!! =D

Anonymous said...

'Beirut throughout history has had strong ties with Europe'

Yeah, they must be the same person then.

Unknown said...

Ah Grasshopper, does Keanu practice eastern religions in which his spirit is returning in search of perfection? Unfortunately, from what I've heard from at least one that met him and a couple interviews ... he's distant and cold ... so he's got a few more lifetimes to travel. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Reeves is supoused to have been an actor?! yeah right... so when did he lose his acting skills? ;)

Anonymous said...

dip me in ketchup

Anonymous said...

Here is another strange fact for thos of you that believe he may be a vampire. "Keanu" means the coldness in Hawaiian.

Anonymous said...

horcruxes. its gotta be hrocruxes

Anonymous said...

ww2 ended in the 20s? and it resulted in the fall of the ottoman empire?! wow i guess you learn something new every so much much fail.

Maarten said...

Joe said...

Weird stuff, though I find it hard to reconcile anything when bloggers don't find the time to research how to spell "Ottoman" correctly.

I say...
There's only one way to spell "Ottoman", so you'd be better off not using the word "Correctly".

Anonymous said...

Paul Monet looks a lot more like Johnny Depp in the first picture, actually.

Anonymous said...

. . . and he was a hockey goalie. That proves he's not from France. No one from France can play hockey worth beans.

Anonymous said...

OMG you're right! Two people look like each other! it's infallible.

Bob Underdown said...

Both are actually the latest assumed names of Casca Rufio Longinus who drove his spear into the chest of Christ circa 33 AD.

Anonymous said...

pretty much everyone that posted on this is a dumbass, so i guess i am even a dumbass for pointing it out.

Anonymous said...

He was young once, LOL.

Anonymous said...

if it was true, i wish he had used the past 90 years to become a bit of a better actor...

Anonymous said...

if he was immortal, you'd think the f^cker could have learned hot to act!

Anonymous said...

if he really was immortal....i think he would be way better at acting.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

He's from Canada.

Anonymous said...

...hes not immortal DERP he got killed by robots for the good of all the god....mounet--->reeves--->neo???

Anonymous said...

Or maybe his is a distant relative that happens to have his same looks and acting ability. Naw that is just crazy and stupid of me what was I thinking shoot me!

Anonymous said...

Or maybe his is a distant relative that happens to have his same looks and acting ability. Naw that is just crazy and stupid of me what was I thinking shoot me!

jwalker said...

To all those that say this is improbable because he was young in "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure": I say nay, it is true. If you have watched "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", you may have noticed that the character "Benjamin Button" has a rare disease that causes his body to age in reverse. From that scientific proof, one can only come to the conclusion that Keanu Reeves' body had aged backwards until he was very young and then it switched back to normal aging. Believe!

P.S. His lack of acting skills is the result of the brain damage that occurred through the reversed aging process.

Anonymous said...

hes a vampire!!!

Anonymous said...

^^^ I knew it!

I believe this person is dead on.

Keanu Reeves said...

Hey everyone. This is Keanu Reeves. I do not appreciate these vulgar statements of me being an immortal or a vampire. However, the elephant from Jupiter comment is true. It is now my orders to DESTROY THE WORLD!!!!

Anonymous said...

They really don't look that similar dude

Anonymous said...

OBVIOUSLY Paul found the fountain of youth, then moved to Canada. lolz

Anonymous said...

I find it hard to trust any source that can't even proofread correctly. For example: "No body was every found"...? I think there's an extra letter in "ever". And that's just the first typo.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Fill the other 60 years and ill believe you.

slithus said...

If this was true, he would be able to act.

Anonymous said...

just thought I would point this out, The Ottoman Empire couldn't have dissolved after WW2 but before Mounet's Death. Why? Because Mounet died in 1922, and WW2 started in 1938

Anonymous said...

lol....lets wait for 20 more yrs..... :D Every thing would be crystal clear

keanu said...

holy smoke! he's immortal! lmao

Anonymous said...

u gays, i mean guys n gals who call peops out for grammer spelling etc are lame & boring as f%$£. We all have no lives for reading and commenting on these blogs but the spell checking prefects should go hump their english prof some more

Anonymous said...

Do some people not get that this is a joke? I love it...they think they're being all clever and skeptical by "rejecting" this joke idea...which ironically makes them seem a bit slow..

Anonymous said...

I remember the movies where he was and looked younger....but the resemblance with the other guys is quite stunning

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