Insanity Wolf advice of the day

Friday, June 25, 2010

Isabella Swan, I promise to love you every-BZZZZZzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZ..., etc

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34 comentarii:

Anonymous said...


Pedro said...

lkuhsdfkjldbglksjdbgaslkjgsnsadflkjdgsnlknfdsakljafslkjbgfadlgkjdbs lmfao

Anonymous said...

there's a good idea!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm so down ahahahaha

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'd do that, but I'm afraid I might accidentally see parts of the movie.

Anonymous said...

And get attacked by a bunch of psychotic teenage girls?

JAB_au said...

Sounds like a great idea, the people telling you to stop will be way more entertaining.

Anonymous said...

Amusing in concept; implausible in practice.

Anonymous said...

You sir win one internet.

Anonymous said...

I am tempted to do this down at L.A. live where those freaks are camping out.

Anonymous said...

Better yet, bring a very cranky toddler. They NEVER throw them out!

Anonymous said...

But this involves paying towards Twilight's box office takings... I'm not sure I want to do that!

Anonymous said...

Go to a multiplex, buy a ticket for another movie. Use that to get in to the beasty necro movie. Once inside, remove the noiseboxes from your jacket and attach them firmly to the walls. Use your vuvuzela to trigger the boxes, and the audience gets a surround sound treat, straight from africa.

Anonymous said...

I'm doing this. The new one is coming out on my birthday and I won't stand for it

Anonymous said...

Well, if you sit, be ready for a couple hundred fat girls to be on top of you. Better to stand, and blow hard.

Anonymous said...

I shall play thee the song of my people:


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bring a jar full of moths...release them as the movie begins....nobody will be able to see a thing xD

Anonymous said...

Things will definitely be more hilarious if you'd take your girlfriend with you and some of her friends. scream at their heart content!

watch the twilight saga eclipse the movie free at limited seats and huge rush for the free viewing. you dont want to loose to your friends, do you? hurry!

Anonymous said...

i have one, im so gona do this

Anonymous said...

That way we can stop people from watching that movie and as doing so stopping them taking over the world!! Great idea!

Anonymous said...

"I will protect -"


Anonymous said...

definitely would work if 3 people vuvuzela'd in shifts so that youve got time to breath.

Anonymous said...

Going to see the new Twilight movie would be like going to a kindergarten art class all over again; glitter and blood EVERYWHERE...

Anonymous said...

Gotta wait a good thirty seconds into the dialogue. Wear ear plugs.

Anonymous said...

LMAOOO funniest and best idea i've heard today

Anonymous said...

There's an app for that....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

that wolf looks awesome

Anonymous said...


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