Gun myths from the movies debunked

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

From the "viral-est" blog post of the day, on Cracked: 5 Ridiculous Gun Myths Everyone Believes (Thanks to Movies):
#5 Silencers Turn Gunfire Into a Gentle Whisper

Cautious spies and assassins know that if you're going to take out a bad guy in an office or a library, be sure to use a silencer. It turns the concussive "bang" into a neutered "ptew."

Exploding gunpowder is loud. Really loud. As loud as a jet engine. A little metal tube won't do a whole lot to stop that. This is what a suppressed handgun actually sounds like:
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1 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

depends on the gun really. Silencers work just fine.

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