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12 comentarii:
Yes! I can spot the difference.
The African Americans were NOT blowing themselves up on buses, nor were they blowing themselves with nails strapped in to injure the ones they don't kill, nor do they teach their children that jews need to die. Pretty big difference!
Don't compare two images as a black and white situation with Immature children being asses to a completely racist situation that occurred in US.
-Fan of site...not of post
I'm completely agreeing with the reply to this post. What the African Americans did with the civil rights movement was courageous and admirable and really inspiring, and the people who tried to silence their movement were absolutely wrong in doing so. The conflict in the Middle East is far more complex, and infinitely more violent. The Arabs are pointing fingers and drawing comparisons with the Holocaust, but at the end of the day, it's Israeli citizens who live in constant fear that the cafe they are sitting in is the target to the next terrorist attack, and that their town is the next one to be attacked by Arab missiles. It's a completely different situation, and like the person before me said, I may be a fan of this site, but definitely not this post.
To Annonymous no. 2:
You think that the israelis are suffering alone? What's with the last war on Ghaza? what about the phosphoric bombs? what about killing innocent children and women & men? what about kicking the western bank residents out from their homes? Don't you read the news?
It's a messy situation in the ME, no killing is allowed, no human rights violation is allowed to both sides. And, believe me, "Defending One's Home Land is not a crime" you can search for Palestine in wikipedia or any other source of info. israel occupied Palestine in 1948.
for those who defend Israel and are from Israel, just know that this is not your land, and will never be, and you will be kicked out of it sooner or later. you toke it by killing us and we will get it back by killing you. so just search for a place to hide, because we are coming after you.
A reply to the first two comments:
You guys willfully left out how Israeli troops respond to peaceful protests. They've bulldozed peace activists (Rachel Corrie, remember?), assassinated non-violent palestinian intellectuals (Naji Al Ali, Ghassan Kanafani), and IDF acts of excessive violence and fatal force against peaceful demonstrators are countless. Here's a link and a quote:
"Further south, in Khoza'a, a village east of Khan Younis, Israeli snipers used live ammunition, the reports muffled by silencers, to shoot three Palestinian youths: Hani Riad al-Najjar, 17; Walaa' Farid al-Najjar, 19; Jom'a Ramadan al-Najjar, 22. Walaa' was shot in the thigh. According to ISM volunteer Eva Bartlett, he said, "I saw the soldier who shot me. He didn't give any warning, just shot me right away." Israeli snipers often target the upper thigh, hoping to sever the femoral artery. Such wounds bleed the victim out quickly, and, often, snipers prevent EMT crews from reaching the victims of their marksmanship. When that happens the victims die.
Jom'a was shot in the head. Hani was wounded in both legs, the left one by gunshot, the right one by shrapnel. That shrapnel is still embedded in his body. As he testified to Bartlett, "The Israeli soldier was lying on a dirt mound across from us. He fired at me without warning." The bullet hit just below his knee, and he will need an operation in order to remove it."
The top picture shows how people react to those who express a desire to kill them and wipe them off the face of the earth. It shows how young foolish men react to a woman whose people daily send bombs their way in the hopes of killing innocent civilians.
The bottom picture shows racists.
oh it must be so horrible to sit in your cafe and be afraid of a terrorist attack, that shit can happen anywhere in the world. what about the fear that you and your children will not have water or food tomorrow? Israel cuts off supplys and takes control over water sources. And what do they do with it? People water their grass in their gardens... wtf? in one of the most arid places on this globe. Not only do they take what is not theirs, they don't even appreciate it and waste it.
P: I want to water my crops, to have smth to eat!
I: Fuck you, i want to have green grass in my garden to look at, just like where i came from. What you say that's a waste? I don't understand? Isn't this america? Someone kill this man he is stealing my flowers' water!
I go to a Jewish school, and I take a class that's called "Contemporary Issues in Israeli Society". Every single day in that class, I get a new reason to get mad at Israel. For example, Israel gets about 70 gallons of water per day per capita, whereas Gaza gets 18. Israel has public bus lines for religious people that forces women and non-religious people to get to the back of the bus. Israel tears down houses in an Arab area so that they can gentrify it. Seriously, I don't know why my school would offer a class that makes me hate Israel so much.
I wish that the suffering of the people of Palestine is racism only.
The expulsion of Palestinians from their homes and villages, demolishing their homes and they waging full war on them Because of a home made missile fell 50 km away from the Jews city!
This image does not describe not even 1 percent of the suffering of people of Palestine.
Pro Israeli idiots
great post
great images
the show the hate that israel has towards mulims
You can't compare this image justly because while both sides go at each other and point fingers, the truth is that both sides are equally violent and equally to blame. If people stopped to consider the other side, they'd see that both Palestinians and Israeli's are suffering and paying a great price due to this conflict, and each side has people who want to compromise and people who refuse to even think about it. There are innocent people dying on both sides and they will continue to die until both sides stop the violence and try to compromise instead of stubbornly stick to their stories.