Man ate, drank nothing for 70 years

Thursday, April 29, 2010

At least, so he says.
Indian military scientists are studying an 82-year-old who claims he has not had any food or drink for 70 years.

Prahlad Jani is being held in isolation in a hospital in Ahmedabad, Gurjarat, where he is being closely monitored by India's defence research organization, who believe he may have a genuine quality which could help save lives.

He has now spent six days without food or water under strict observation and doctors say his body has not yet shown any adverse effects from hunger or dehydration.

Mr Jani, who claims to have left home aged seven and lived as a wandering sadhu or holy man in Rajasthan, is regarded as a 'breatharian' who can live on a 'spiritual life-force' alone. He believes he is sustained by a goddess who pours an 'elixir' through a hole in his palate. His claims have been supported by an Indian doctor who specializes in studies of people who claim supernatural abilities, but he has also been dismissed by others as a "village fraud."
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1 comentarii:

txhoudini said...

I'm calling shenanigans on this one. Not only is this impossible (it violates the laws of thermodynamics, for one) but it is a dangerous idea that many people, desperate to lose weight, have tried to recreate, often with fatal results.

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