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138 comentarii:
ha! Ingenious ^_^
I've actually tried this before, and it really works pretty well. I would highly recommend using gloss paper when you print it out, however, because it is pretty easy to tell the difference with regular printer paper.
how dumb...its banned in classrooms..
Nice job! You have managed to copy HouseholdHacker's EXACT METHOD.
Wow that seems like lots of work, maybe you should have just studied.........maybe?
Drinking soda is not banned in classrooms. Unless your at some hippie college.
But it does seem like loads of work for just a little information that you will most likely memorize by the time you are done.
Actually learning the material will take less time than pulling a stunt like this. It's funny, but using your brain is just so much easier.
by the time you do that, you could have studied everything...
but that is cool :)
It works better if you write it on the inside of the label, so you can see it when you look into the water bottle, but people picking it up or looking at it see it as normal. No computers involved either.
Some kid tried this at my school, now drinks with labels are banned from exams...
you can apply duct tape on the label to get the gloss effect
Actually, in Life after school most of the time you can look stuff up. What you need to remember is what's possible and where to look. And sometimes the process to get there.
First off some of us just can't remember shit for the life of us. If you're smart enough to do this most likely you won't be a liability to society and I could care less. To the dumbass talking about cheating in life: all school systems are set up for people who are great at memorizing shit that they are going to forget later. What job requires you to memorize a bunch of shit without being able to look it up?
@previous Anonymous: astronaut, UPS package sorter (have to memorize different zip codes and where they go, don't have time to look every one up individually)
UPS Package sorter? Man, I'm sure going to college for that one!
i do believe that classifies as a burn, possibly of the sick variety
I don't want a surgeon working on my who hasn't memorized my inner parts! I don't want a lawyer protecting my rights but not quite sure what they are. I don't want a pilot who needs to check the manual to "land this thing".
This lazy punk who spent all this time on the coke bottle cheat is witty but that doesn't mean he'll make much of himself except maybe in prison. Try that crap in a real job and see how far you'll get!
shut the hell up!
The last poster is a moron himself... ever thought of how bright he had to be to think of this? Also, looks like he was using it for a few, obscure formulas... I don't blame him there.
Get real, it's a fine idea.
It's true what they say ... cheating only cheats yourself.
This is a neat trick for the lazy and weak-minded.
Too Bad that the amount of ink used He/She will have to get a job to pay for by the end of college
This is a clever trick, but it's not exactly new.
The educational system is constructed in such a way that cheating works. It is just too easy to get away with it. Cheaters often claim they already know everything from chemistry to driving, and therefore don't have to study like normal people. Don't over-estimate yourselves.
I could not make it threw high school even though I studied for hours and thought I had it all down pat but the next day taking exams I drew a blank and could not remember anything I studied so I resorted to cheating and my grades went up but I still did not make it threw high school so I ended up some years later taking a GED and passed without cheating so cheating does not always pay and if you cheat you only cheat yourself.
So according to the last poster, cheating will harm you, because the poster himself admits that even while cheating he didn't manage to make it through high school. Nice logic.
Honestly, it shouldn't even be necessary for things like chemistry and physics. Unless you have a dominatrix for a teacher, you'll be allowed to have an equation sheet anyway.
Alternate method. You can actually transfer information from textbooks directly into your mind. All it takes is the text you need for the test. Just spend some time reading the appropriate chapter. For better results, try reading the same content multiple times. Then, when you take the test, just remember the information you read. It is 100% undetectable by teachers. I have used this method for years, and have yet to be caught by any teacher.
Who's the idiot (literally) that said "some people can't remember shit for the life of them"? Sheesh. That's what learning is about - remembering shit for when it comes in handy later. Those that can remember get the good jobs and those that can't get the shit jobs and spend their lives looking stuff up.
an unoriginal waste of time. No wonder you're better at photoshop than basic physics.
Better switch to an MBA.
You know what,
Im smart, i'm in college. I can do page after page of math, english, and science homework, but when it comes to taking a test, i get really bad anxiety and just happen to forget half the material i studied the night before. I don't know why this happens, and i've tried lots of other methods of studying and testing, but i just doesnt seem to work for me. So, having notes like that, would be a complete, 100% help. It's not like i dont know the material already!
And dumb people that say a surgeon and lawyer need to memorize all that crap and can't look it up, are very wrong. 1st: There are more than one surgeon operating at once. It's a group thing. We can't use partners on a test. Because i'm sure if i had a partner on a test, i would do a lot better. Second: why do you think lawyers have time before a trial? THEY STUDY. They look up information. And if you're really interested in your profession, you just remember the stuff easier because it's interesting to you.
Oh yeah, and i forgot to add, Surgeons and Lawyers arn't sitting their taking a written test.
There's a difference.
People keep commenting that you could have memorized all the info or suggesting that this requires you to invest a lot of time and/or work. You could do this quite quickly if you have a computer/scanner and a bottle. It's a fairly simple concept. +1
No sé como vivi sin este método tan práctico.!!
haberlo dicho antes.. y las que me hubiera ahorrado.!!!
Look I tell u what. I like the idea u had with it. Thow u should study but good job!
Gotta say, this is a very clever and innovative idea. Yeah, he may not learn anything from the class, but he learns how to interact with people and get the job done without knowing all there is to know. There are plenty of applications for this kind of skill. Personally, I'd want someone with this kind of brain and problem-solving ability to work for me. Most who look down on it are probably just bitter because they didn't think of it first.
in Australia drinking softdrink during exams is banned for this exact reason.
George Fetters said I am a Surgeon and it really works,as I went for my final exam I aced it not really knowing the correct procedure to use simple forceps to deliver a baby. Sorry the baby died and sorry it was the mother of the person that gave me the idea of the coke bottle to cheat!
Whoever is saying how bad cheating is, just wait until you get to college. Assuming you go somewhere competitive and you don't want to spend every waking hour to get a C, you WILL write a formula or 2 down.
old cheat is old, most schools don't let you take drinks into tests unless it's water with the label removed.....the rules been in effect for like 5 years
This is a good idea, but in England now, we have to take the labels off bottles we take into tests. People used to take the label off the bottle, write the answers on the inside and then stick it back on.
about the whole cheating life.. pilot lawyer surgeon thing.. I am currently majoring in sports management. Obviously my career will not have much to do with climatology. What's the harm in saving a few hours of my short life here on earth instead of learning about the weather..enjoying it.
Take it easy fellas.. lifes too short
It sure is butthurt in here.
also about the pilots comment, they literally have a checklist for take off and landing, not to mention planes pretty much fly themselves.
stolen from household hacker?
You people are so sad! You have managed to bring into this surgeons, pilots etc etc, it was just a funny way of cheating in a test, excuse all you people who can't use it, obviously it's not applicable to you, in my country (New Zealand) this would work like a charm. You all need to lighten up! it's funny and creative! let it go!!!
whhhooooohoooo guy before me, exactly what i was thinking
I agree with the 2 above, It's an easy way to pass a physics exam, a class you have to take in high school, obviously if you're career is going to be in something you aren't gonna cheat on the test and not actually know the shit, but everyone has taken those classes that they just aren't good at. Plus, if you're smart enough to think of doing something this creative, i don't think you have anything to worry about.
Yes, you are right guys. to
Any test requiring those formulas lets you have them out in the open anyway... you're never expected to memorize any of them. You're expected to learn how to USE the formulas and solve practical problems.
And if you can't remember F=ma, you probably can't work the computer to make this thing in the first place.
How bout instead of going through all this sh*t, try studying.
totally stolen from household hacker, i say stolen because no credit was given to them
or you could just not be a retard
Honestly, this would take so goddamn long to do... You can't really fit that many formulas on it anyway.
If you get booked though, you're done. You'll get a zero in your course and your GPA will be shot. Not worth the risk at any good university imo.
Am I the only person here who memorizes things quite well by typing/writing them? That's obviously the intent of this "cheater".
Cheaters NEVER WIN... use your brain, you will likely need the info at a future date, say in a would you like it if you found out YOUR doctor got by with stunts like this...would you trust his judgment??
lol i agree with the poster of April 29, 2010 12:14 AM. it definitely is a major butthurt in here . hahaha. to fit more info you could write on both sides of the label. hell write something useful in the cap... or you could always take the test without cheating and if you fail it you could spend the next 34 years learning the subject material until FTL drives are invented and Canada (the new supreme world power) has a time machine built near a black hole. you beg the supreme overlord of the Canadians to allow you to use his time machine to go back in time and correct a mistake that you made 34 years in the past. Then upon his or her approval you go back in time and walk into the room your testing in. of course you'll look all old and decrepit so no one will know who you are and even less people will care that you exist. (not much has changed since you were your younger self) and then for the moment of truth. you go up to yourself and say "fuck this test lets go smoke a bowl" then you and your former self go and smoke a bowl of weed outside campus and discus the finer points of quantum mechanics and also the lottery numbers that will occur over the next few years. the end
Re: previous - WTF?
I hack multiplayer games and make thousands a month. Cheaters do win!
Look me up @ name's De.Bug
Hey all,
Not condoning cheating but after you do this once you have the template. So all of the posters that are saying its too much work, its really only a lot of work the first time
Photoshop is not that difficult to use, not to mention kids who cheat like this are actually quite brilliant, they'd just rather use their brain power for more interesting things! In high school physics, we had to memorize all formulas, as well as in my calculus class, so I taught myself how to program formulas into my graphing calculator. Sure, I could have used that time just learning a bunch of formulas I would never have used again, but instead I taught myself basic programming skills and got some use out of a ninety dollar piece of equipment. So give the kid a break. It's a fun way to cheat, and all you guys who say that cheaters never prosper are just upset that you don't have the ingenuity to cheat and get away with it yourselves.
There's two different kinds of cheating, this one is of the less serious kind. It's for people who fail at cramming, which the school system is set up to reward. There are lots of simple ways to "cheat" in this manner, where all you're doing is keeping a list of things you're tested on for memorization rather than ability to use. (In Physics, you're usually given an equation sheet anyway. It's not helpful if you don't know how to use them!) It's better to be honest, but it's hard to get angry at people who do this, especially if they don't do it often.
The second type is the more serious kind, which involves taking/copying someone's work or letting other people do your work. It involves never having to come up with a solution yourself. This is especially dangerous outside of the school environment as well: do you want any "professional" who has only memorized or seen a selective set of problems (and only solved them with the help of others), who has no ability to reason outside that spectrum?
If cheating doesn;t hurt anyone, what about those that goes to pharmacy school,=. I would say that is field you don't want somebody cheating in. Sure, you could say that a person can look things up an what not. But the problem isn't just that lack of learning, it's the attitude you have towards your profession. It demonstrates laziness and unprofessionalism. If you can cheat in school, which let's be honest, is the easy part of life, then you will cheat later on in life. It is a simple fact, you are setting yourelf up from the begining to take short cuts.
As another note, if you are so stupid and lazy as not to be able to remember the amount of information that can be fit on a coke bottle, there is a problem.
Drinks with labels are banned where i am lol its water only and NO LABELS xD, but nice try :)
We used todo something similar when i went to school, we just heated up the bottle with varm water peeled it off and wrote on the backside with a pencil, then just drink till just above the label and tilt it when you need the answers.
chill the hell out people, yeah you just study, but its no reason to call someone who does this an idiot or one that wont graduate. seriously grow up
Tried the 'study' thing, but, my brain doesn't work that way! At 63, I have resigned myself to simply working in quantum physics, differential calculus, deep space astronomy, and the other subjects that I can visualize in technicolor, them transfer to my 3-d spatial display, in my Linux cluster at home.
Always wanted a degree, after my 20 years in Aerospace (Air Force) avionics, communications, and navigation electronics systems. I have the knowledge, experience, but, study is as remote to me as to my Apsberger Syndrome friends, who seem very rational to me, even as they are a bit "out there" in scientific knowledge and accomplishments.
Makes me wonder if I might also be from a "different planet"!
im sure u aint allowed soda in an exam?!?!?!?
what if you dont have a scanner?
u could actually study this instead of spending all this time preparing a cheat sheet
Well. Sometimes some things are so hard that you *Can't* remember them! And this would be a great trick for doing that. Hiding in plain sight so to speak!
Although, I will admit, as much as I would of loved to use this in my high school maths exam, there is 2 problems:
a) The notes equate to about 20pages of stuff I had to remember, and that's formulas alone, nothing else (was Extension 2 Maths!). Not to mention methods for doing the maths.
b) We weren't allowed anything in our exam. We weren't even allowed a pencil case unless it was made of clear plastic. Only allowed a pen, our calculator, and.. well, that's it.
The better trick would of been working out how to store all the maths formulas in a program on a calculator. XD
So why didn't you make things easier for us and just include the PTF file for the label?
LOL, I had a computer engineering class where we could have a single page cheatsheet. So I selectively reduced the size of parts of our textbook and cut and pasted it together so I had everything important very small on that one page. The teacher saw it once, stared at me, shook his head, and walked away. I got an A.
I thought this might be usefull in this crazy argument....
The learning styles are:
Visual (spatial). You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding.
Aural (auditory-musical). You prefer using sound and music.
Verbal (linguistic). You prefer using words, both in speech and writing.
Physical (kinesthetic). You prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch.
Logical (mathematical). You prefer using logic, reasoning and systems.
Social (interpersonal). You prefer to learn in groups or with other people.
Solitary (intrapersonal). You prefer to work alone and use self-study.
So all i can say now is just because it's not the right learning style for you doesn't mean it's not a style....writing tests by giving yourself "VISUAL" aids does not mean your cheating it means your working within your compacity to learn. At least you still have the drive to excell on the test!!!
You guys are very tough to make fun of someone and then putting anonymous!! Real ballsy I say!
Nerds. Would be good in Trig....For extra formulas that can't fit on your sheet.
what cracks me up are the people drawing down on the op for being potentially lazy and not learning the material, while their own posts are so full of grammar and spelling fail that it's a wonder they aren't spending THEIR time studying rather than reading up on study hacks on the tuberwebs...
here's another pt to the soda banned... we did this w/a teacher.. back when anything caffeinated water came out.. remove water bottle label and replace w/some normal water bottle's label. Label can be anything.
who studies anymore..this idea is great
Clever ... yet sad, and very risky.
someone did this during the ACT at my school and got caught so now we can't have drinks during it :(
No need to cheat in physics 1. This is a very clever idea, however you only set yourself up to need the 2 liter bottle next time. :D
you remember the simple formulas now so they come natural later, trust me I've been there.
drinks aren't allowed in most classrooms, and might as well study, this is reason #23,423 why America is behind in everything
Or you guys could all just be quiet and stop bitching about how stupid this is and see it as a joke ... it's funny. Nothing more. Build a bridge and move on to discussing something a little more important why don't you
Thanks to you publicising this, people like myself, who worked this out for ourselves will never be able to use it again.
OR: Thanks! I'm an exam supervisor. No more drinks in the exam room.
cheating goes a long way! you might be our future bridge engineer, lawyers, doctors or maybe not .keep lying and cheating you MOFOs.
or just move to Norway where you can have notes with you on tests...
2006 called. It wants it's idea back.
you might want to use room temp soda, or else the condensation will ruin the paper. just a thought
In my exams, you're only allowed to drink water and you have to take off the label D:
Drinking soda may not be banned, but in many classrooms teachers tell you to put everything away, including drinks, when you take a test.
No more Cokes in the classroom...
Maybe the studying is in the project of making this ingenious cheating tool.
anyone who says this doesn't work is obviously someone who just doesn't want this to work. it has worked tons of times for countless students. dont be a puppet and be scared of breaking the boundaries to do whatever it takes for you to succeed. sometimes you can't memorize everything. this is perfect. try it and it will definitely help without a doubt.
i agree with you ^
I don't understand why people are getting upset over this. He says you can do this or just study. Of course it doesn't help a person in the long run but it's pretty cool. Also it's not like all the classes you take in college are helpful for your major. I don't think memorizing for a music class is going to help a doctor or a lawer. Universities in other countries don't make students waste time and money on stupid classes.
just blow a line of adderall...then you'll have no problem studying
This is really a neat idea, but not for the intended purpose. You could do these up as a romantic gesture for your loved one, replacing the nutritional information with little love notes. Or for a party, with info about the person of honor, such as for a child's birthday party, you could list facts such as birthdate, hobbies, etc. The possibilities could be endless, but I don't see it as a practical idea for cheating.
You don't have to go to some hippie school to have soda, it is not banned every where that is insane!! also you could used any beverage, right?!
LOL @ obviously the people who are crying about using this to cheat in college obviously have never been... or at least haven't gotten past their first year or two in college. This is clearly a high school cheating method. It might be useful in an introductory class to clear general education courses at the university level but it'd be pretty useless in higher level classes. Also anyone with a bachelors knows that what is most important to take away from an undergraduate degree is methodology, organization, and critical thinking/problem solving skills. Not memorizing line after line of formulas or info, though it is helpful if you do and will make your life easier at times.
As for the doctor and lawyer comments that's just ridiculous. The amount of knowledge you need to know for graduate exams makes what you can put on the label of a coke bottle insignificant.
I just want to point out that those who are condoning cheating on this thread seem to have much better grammar and spelling than those who are criticizing it. Does that suggest something about the mental capacity of cheaters? I think so.
I haven't seen so much nerd rage since I've quit playing WoW. Also I'm 90% sure that if physics was this person's major, he wouldn't need this. And that leads me to my next point. I guarantee you (all of you, for surely you all seem to have matriculated somewhere) that 11 out of the 14, on average, credit hours that you guys took during college were filled with classes that you could not find the will to care any less about, let alone actually find important (grades aside)enough to study, you would rather be doing something else. Calling someone out (calling said someone a retard at that)is a little too severe of a reaction for a simple tip on hiding an equation sheet. Regardless of whether or not the subject matter allows open notes or not, this is still a clever idea. Education should not boil down to what you have or have not memorized and studied and recited until your tongue falls out. Instead it should be the culmination of YOUR ideas.
im still puzzled to why he didnt just put it on the inside of the label. hide the notes until you start the test/drink it. seems a little more practicle to me.
Why should I waste my time with learning these formulas if I can write in on a coke bottle in the double time?
You know, despite all the hate this is actually really useful if you think about it. By going through all this trouble you still have to find the answers to get them on the label. Not only are you studying you are giving yourself an extra advantage. If you forget something, its right there.
Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.
Awesome trick, only problem is that for physics everything kinda builds off of everything else. and for all the people that said this will take longer than studying.... it will take like 20 minutes tops and when you think about it he has to write down the formulas so hes kinda studying anyways :D
They're not obscure if you're studying that exam. If you can't remember the formulae like your peers can, quit the course and target something less impactful on society. Let's not give cheeters the opportunity to kill people when they don't have their coke bottle nearby.
pshh, noob. Those are the easiest physics equations.
But is it worth it? What exactly have you learned, but to cheat the system? And if that is your goal, why not simply drop out & live off the government like a respectable parasite?
If you're intelligent enough to think this kind of shit up... why is it you have to cheat?
Is this the same anonymous I have just met on another site, he seems to like talking to himself or is there a huge army of them talking to each other.
as I said in my post on the other site you need to get a life.
I'm guessing you are female with a touch of the uglies who needs to shave at least once a day.
keep up the good work
If you're not cheating, you're not trying.
. . txar. . .nice one. . . you do a better job. . .
No faces saved by cheating. It is lost, it is wiser and far more honest to say. i don't know and fail than to cheat and pass. . .
jajajajajajaj. . .huz agree?????
Wow people, relax a bit. The post was not really about the was about how slick the concept of using a soda bottle label was (even if it was a recycled idea). So even if you never would consider cheating, it is a slick idea.
Now, how about using this same trick to replace the label on a non-refundable bottle, making it refundable - by reproducing the Barcode on the label. A lot of work for 5 cents - and totally scamming the system...but hey, equally slick "idea".
I worry for the people who think this would take long to do. Obviously all fucking retarded, which is probably why they're the ones getting strung up over a fun little cheat. They're probably butthurt because they got shit grades in school and wished they had cheated.
I didn't cheat, but I respect creative ability to cheat, especially as tests get less and less about understanding the subject matter and more about rote memorisation of information.
But seriously, "hours"? how fucking computer illiterate are you? 1 minute to remove label, 5 minutes tops to scan, maybe a minute to print and 2 minutes to glue, 9-10 minutes tops.
this would be perfect, although all my exams so far have stated you're only allowed a clear bottle of water with no label. :(
Since when is force a cross product?
only cheating yourself
if sodas with labels are banned in your class because exams.THAT CAN BE FIXED!
i done this...
-put an bag on your chair(on the backside of it)
-put an jacket over the bag
then just crouch infront of the bag,turn the jacket over yourself and see the bottle label on a second.i tried this before alot of times and never get caught...
always the cola label idea is good(put some scotch tape over te label to get the glossy effect(if u use an normal paper).
Thanks! :D
i love it u r a genius
A lot of professors have actually caught onto this so when you are taking a test they check the bottles or make you put them up. One of my professors checked a friends bottle just awhile back - she wasn't cheating but they were just double checking.Also teachers can be more watchful then they think - if you are leaning over your bag they are going to get suspicious!
Whoever said he is only cheating himself needs to realized that this is what it takes to be successful in life. Innovation, crazy people with crazy thoughts. Of course it's wrong to cheat, but teachers don't want students to memorize the information, they want us to apply it. So wouldnt this guy or girl just be applying their knowledge?
study harder!!
Image 404's. Here's a link that includes the original image as well as some others. []
To the people who claim doing this is harder than studying:
It isn't.
-Adobe Photoshop
You could possibly turn this around and use this as a study tool. I mean, it's a hassle to carry around a book all the time to study and memorize a couple equations but if you could carry the equations conveniently on something you take with you everywhere you could use that instead...such as a soda bottle. Or you could just make flash cards. That works, too.
I really have to stop reading the comments, just ruins the fun.
I like how the majority of the criticism I see here is full of misspellings. May you should reconsider cheating... like using a spell checker in order not to look dumb while criticizing others.
While i disapprove of cheating as a whole I wouldn't ever judge anyone for using that to write down equations. Especially in higher level math/physics the equations can be ridiculous to remember.
And quite honestly, after having taken most of the higher up level courses I don't remember most of those equations and I did really well in both. The important thing to know would be the subject matter and how to apply the equations, not to memorize some obscure equation you will never see again in your life after Section 6.2 of Calculus III.
here is what I always do to cheat
Great cheat. I have used it several times, only a few teachers are clever enough to check all the bottles before starting the test. I have never been captured using this trick. Most of the comments on this page are crap. Just because you don't have the balls to cheat.
Cool. I just copied this site...including the images and I e-mailed every major college / University I knew on the Eastern seaboard....easy task actually...
BUT! I would like to thank the creators since I can honestly say I was PAID cash for most of what I copied, from your original website!
Ha! I freaking LOVE capitalism!
If you guys think cheaters fail at life then you couldn't be more wrong, I've cheated all my life in every major exam and i ace'd all of my exams, I top'd in my classes and school, Even through university i have cheated on most of my exams and i had the 3rd best grade in my class, I learnt everything i NEEDED to learn and all the extra shit they make you learn that you NEVER EVER use in real life i didn't bother wasting my time. I got offered a job right when i finished my accounting degree and 6 years later, I'm richer, more successful and very very good at my job, better than almost every person out of that class and so when you tell me that cheaters don't do good in life, I'll laugh while i drive my BMW and your still driving your parents toyota.
too bad they feel like they need to cheat, if you practice problems or have study groups, it would be easier to memorize things...but this is nice for artsy stuff like if you wanted to redesign labels and still have them look professional and cookie cutter
These equations are so easy to derive. You sure did waste a lot of time :)
Very happy to see your article, I very much to like and agree with your point of view. Thank you for sharing. At the same time,i love best pram very much .
I thing the best way to cheat test is covert communication
i use wireless micro earpiece from spystudy