A cat pissed off at its tail

Sunday, April 11, 2010

There was also that video of a dog who was pissed at its leg. God, I love you internet!

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33 comentarii:

Kat said...

Loved it! Cat kinda sounds like donald duck

Anonymous said...

This cat has issues lol

Anonymous said...

You should probably take your cat to the vet, it sounds like it's in pain.

Anonymous said...

poor kitty... may have nerve problems..

Anonymous said...

he is full on right mad at his tail, it's so funny that they don't realize that they're the one making it move.

Zach Bell said...

Animals of this sort are usually suffering from a form of polyneuropathy. There are a variety of peripheral nerve disorders of this type that can make animals do some more dramatic things such as attacking their tails, legs or other body parts or some things less dramatic such as a consistent flexing in one of the hind legs.

Poor kitty. The prognosis for many types of polyneuropathy is often poor.

Anonymous said...

this was so cute

Anonymous said...

I like the mixture of people who say it is cute and the others saying the cat is suffering. Maybe the cat has "idle hands" syndrome.

Anonymous said...

My mother-in-law has a cat that is terrified of its tail. Kitty is just fine until she notices her tail following her ... then she jumps in the air, hisses and spits at it, and races around the room trying to get away. Only thing that settles her down is distracting her to focus on something else. She was abused as a kitten, and Mom took her in from a rescue shelter. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of nerve damage and she doesn't feel that it's attached.

Anonymous said...

The poor thing probably has a flea (or several) biting its tail... it would be itchy and hurt! The funny thing is, while these people are sitting there laughing at their miserable cat, it's on their bed, which means soon they may share kitty's misery haha.

Anonymous said...

I found this disturbing,if my cat started doing this I would be bringing him to the vet- I wouldn't be laughing and filming him, maybe that's just me...

Anonymous said...

my cat does it when she's in a playful mood, if it really thought it was a animal it wouldn't lick it better...

ironflange said...

My in-laws had a cat with the same behaviour. They got home one day to find he had chewed up his tali so badly it had to be amputated. He looked like a Manx afterwards, but he was happy, he finally got rid of his tormentor.

Anonymous said...

I also think the cat is sick, and needs to go to vet. This is not funny to me.

Anonymous said...

My cat used to do this as a kitten. She was regualarily taken to the vet. No problems. She's now 19 years old. I wouldn't worry so much about it unless she starts to draw blood.

Anonymous said...

guys...seriously? it's just a cat playing around. my cat used to do the same, but a lot less angry ahahah. he's a fine kittie. that's what they are, and we all know it. Adorable, but crazy animals.
Of course if he can't stop doing that or it hurts him, then its a reason to be worried.

Anonymous said...

I work in a vets, the cat probably should be checked out if it's a regular occurrence. The hissing/ears back/vocalisations/rapid breathing could definitely be signs of distress or pain, which seems a more likely explanation than "just playing" given those behaviours.

Anonymous said...

why did this make me sad?

Psycho Bill said...

"why did this make me sad?"

Because you had a tail that was cut off at birth, and now you have this weird urge to break off a mop handle, shove it up your butt, and play with the mop.

Anonymous said...

I think the cat has pain in his tail. You should visit the doctor.

Anonymous said...

Chill the fuck out guys. It's a cat playing with its tail. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

No No No it need a playmate and outing etc .....don't keep him or her allways in

Anonymous said...

if it behaves like this a lot maybe a visit to vet maybe in order. My cat started acting funny in a cute way like a kitten and it went on for months then I thought maybe I should get this checked out. Turned out she had some major health issues and the poor old lady (she was 16) had to be put down. The vet said poor old lady should have been sleeping most of the time not acting like she was.

Anonymous said...

It sounds a little bit too distressed to be "playing". Let a vet decide. :)

Anonymous said...

I think it's hilarious how you see "It's just playing" OR its in distress. With absolutely no acknowledgment to the opposing option.

It's possible it's both, though I honestly think the cat is under some kind of stress just through familiar activity. As long as this isn't a constant occurrence or severe harm, it's probably nothing to worry about. It's something to keep an eye on, but nothing to have a heart attack over.

Anonymous said...

The bastard with the camera is kicking the poor cat under the quilt

tulekah said...

by the time i got to the end of this clip i had four of my cats watching with me and after it was finished, two cat fights!

Aido said...

can you say biting parasites?

Anonymous said...

Owners like you should be taken to the vet and put down....how can you watch your own pet suffer???

Anonymous said...

I looked at the original comments on youtube, and the owner of the cat assured that it was perfectly healthy, and thanked everybody for their concern. They didn't give much explanation though.

Anonymous said...

Nothing funny about this cat, very disturbing, as are the owners.

Anonymous said...

Can you guys not see that the guy holding the camera has his foot under the blanket and keeps poking the cat?

Anonymous said...

I really do not find it amusing as I just recently cut off the fur of my Persians tail, because he was constantly licking and got bunged up for 3 days. I decided to get his fur shaved as close as possible so that he would stop getting the hairballs and now he is doing the same thing with his tail. I know he was trying to get my attention, but he has never done this before. I think there is a problem and I will be calling the vets now. Not funny. His teeth are hurting him by the biting. You can hear his pain, you jerks. Trust me.

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