
Thursday, March 25, 2010

What are they really good for? Or 'what is their function in life?', like the guy in the movie used to say.

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35 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

Wasps fill the same niche in the insect world as wolves fill in the mammal world. Without them many insect populations would become overrun, and many plant species would have to find a new pollinator.

Anonymous said...

i loled ^

Anonymous said...

one wasp sting. no big deal. group of wasps continuously stingin you. have fun.

Anonymous said...

when one wasp stings, it releases a chemical scent into the blood stream, which tells other wasps to sting u as the target

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wasps sucks.

Anonymous said...

i hate mosquitos worse than wasp

Anonymous said...

That's not a wasp.

It's a cicada killer.

Completely different families of insect.


Anonymous said...

i don't agree onstanding still...i've challanged wasps and killed them without getting a sting..the wasps can be tricked if you take a towel or a piece of cardboard and start swinging it in circles...this creates a vortex they cannot substain and they fall down ...ready to be excecuted....

nils said...

Wasps DO pollinate things - many orchids have sexual organs which closely resemble a specific wasp, which flys in and tries to bang one flower, covering itself with pollen, then flies to another orchid for some more confusing not-sex. This is why orchids rule. They trick the shit out of those stupid wasps.

Anonymous said...

hilarious, god i loved this

J. Bowen said...

That's not a wasp.

It's a cicada killer.

Completely different families of insect.

A cicada killer is a wasp you dumb shit. A wasp is any insect belong to the order Hymenoptera. The Eastern cicada killer, which is probably what you're referring to, is [crudely] classified in the following way:

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Crabronidae
Genus: Sphecius
Species: S. speciosus

Notice that part in bold there? You know, where it says Order and then Hymenoptera? That means that it's a wasp...you dumb shit.

Anonymous said...

@ J. Bowden

I think their point was that it's not called a wasp. It's called a cicada killer, as you even verified. I don't think they were arguing that it's not part of the same order. Perhaps read a lil more instead of trolling, dumb shit

Anonymous said...

Try getting stung by 12 wasps in a half an hour...yeah...quit your bitching. It's so true...they don't do anyone any good!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was in love with a wasp once. She broke my heart. Seriously ripped it out and stomped it on the floor. I killed her. Never got caught. Police thought it was an accident. Sometimes I feel guilty. When I do, I just have another drink.

Anonymous said...

It is probably a Cicada Killer Wasp.

Also, I really hope that the pansy that made this someday reaches down, grabs his balls, and gets his fat pasty-white self out from behind his computer to enjoy life ... for his own sake.


Anonymous said...

big deal... here in mexico we have badass enchiladas that burn twice!!
hot coming in... really hot coming out... id change moctezuma's revenge for a wasp any day!

Anonymous said...

Check out fig wasps. Badass.

Anonymous said...

did you know that WASP stands for White Anglo Saxon Protestant?

just an observation..

Anonymous said...

my sister once killed a wasp with a pool cue. it was impressive.

Anonymous said...

Ever think to check a thesaurus and expand you vocabulary? Really sad, dude.

Anonymous said...

Grammar fail too.

Yeah, I'm just that sad.

Anonymous said...

wasps are awesome, don't hate on them lol.

Anonymous said...

Wasps can plant their eggs inside a caterpillar, with the intention of their sprogs eating their way out once they hatch.
Normally the host's immune system would fight this invasion, but the eggs are coated with a virus that can make the host's immune system ignore it.
In other words, a wasp can alter the very being of another creature.

Damn right they can Fuck Shit Up.

Anonymous said...

its a hornet

Anonymous said...

Smack it with a rolled-up magazine = dead wasp.

Anonymous said...

I read this thinking it was about WASPs (White Anglo Saxon Protestants). Seems to make more sense than an just a post about a bug. I think its a comparison of the two.

Anonymous said...

Don't bother the wasp and he won't bother you. I am allergic to stings but I leave their nests alone. They never bother me ....because I'm not an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Actually they do pollinate plants.

Anonymous said...

anyone that says it's only a wasp clearly has never been stung in the eye or well the tearduct. some people are also severely allergic so a sting is never just a sting.

Anonymous said...

First of all, Wasps essentially act as secondary consumers by controlling the bee population you dumb twat. second of all, wasps are by themselves all the time! Third, it isn't that hard to kill one, and fourth the sting doesn't hurt. go make a page that actually is relevant to humour and actually makes sense lol otherwise don't talk about things you don't know about, city boy (or is it a girl? the cussing makes you appear to be a boy, but the girliness of the article makes you appear to be a girl. the combination is most likely a dike)

Anonymous said...

I am allergic to Wasps,Bees,Yellow Jackets, etc. A good one is a DEAD ONE!!!

Anonymous said...

I like the part where you run about a 100 feet from the initial attack and find that one, or two have attached themselves to your clothing and start stinging you again.

Ya, they fuck shit up.

Anonymous said...

wow its just a pic. lets all go in to detail and explain everything u need to know about the subject. hahaha yay this pics funny still...-_-
"its just a sting" think before u speak.

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