Sexless person
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Meet Norrie May-Welby, who is apparently neither a man nor a woman. Briton is recognised as world's first officially genderless person:
Norrie May-Welby, 48, was born a man but had a sex change operation in 1990, at the age of 28.More about his story - here
After becoming unhappy as a woman, May-Welby decided to become a “neuter”. The 48-year-old is now officially recognised as a person of no specific gender.
May-Welby emigrated to Australia at the age of seven after being born in Paisley, Renfrewshire.
Officials there altered the Briton’s birth certificate to include the new no-gender classification after doctors were apparently unable to determine the sex of the expat’s body.
5 comentarii:
"More about his story"? "His" story? Really? Try "zir", "hir" or "their".
If he still has a Y chromosome, he's still male...
Anonymous @9:50 -- not necessarily; women with CAIS, for example, are genetically XY.
It's true that most people's genders are consistent with their bodies / outward appearances, but that's no reason to be rude to the people for whom that's not the case.
I think it's great; I'm all for neutering of liberals.
Gender and sex are different things, though not exclusive.
Ignorant people aren't aware of this difference, and don't understand why someone born with a penis would see themselves as a 'woman.'
Unfortunately, that's one truth we have to deal with in this world, that people are ignorant and intolerant. Who are you to judge their existence? Gender and Sex, sex being more objective, are still based upon our observations and perceptions, so you can't say who is a man, and who is a woman, and who is neither.