A bachelor of the fine arts

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

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By Phil McAndrew | via
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20 comentarii:

Igor said...


MrEvers said...

Lol, I actually have a moustache like that

biotv said...

But I bet you can't summon bikes with it

Candee said...


Anonymous said...

amazing, simply amazing

Anonymous said...

and THIS is why i use stumbleupon

Anonymous said...

and THIS is why i use stumbleupon [2]

Anonymous said...

And this is why stumbleupon is the man!

Anonymous said...

totally epic masterly strip.

Anonymous said...

stumbleupon summoned me with its epic mustache

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Shopped. I can tell from some of the pixels and from having seen quite a few shops in my day.

Anonymous said...

really just stupid and unimaginative

Anonymous said...

I knew that F.M.M.T.W.G.R. Was true(: (Fancy mustaches make the world go round) ;D

Anonymous said...

Is that the fathers penis on the floor in the third to last frame?

Anonymous said...

The internet at its best!

Anonymous said...

^^naw dude. That's his slipper.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The sheer amount of hipster douche in this made me almost vomit. Who would want to marry a BA in fine arts? LOL.

Anonymous said...

Totally awesome...

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