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23 comentarii:
hahaha this is brilliant
hahhaa so true...but damn they are so funny....
ripped off cracked
How many blogs out there just repost images from for cheap views and a couple thumbs up on stumble upon? Take a page from Maddox, post only when you have quality stuff, not a constant barrage of shit.
I must bow down to all the anonymous internet gurus who are totally in the know for all the funny internet jokes, but this is the first time i've seen this...very funny
It's not like Seth is trying to hide it. He makes it, we buy it. Who's to blame him?
Stolen from Crack
Bwahahahaha! Hilarious. So true. When I saw previews for "The Cleveland Show" I was like WTF?! We have TWO Family Dads and neither of them are getting funnier. Don't get me wrong, they all have their good points, but I just feel like it's overkill.
Stolen from TV commercials (if you're not an idiot)
Haven't seen any these television programs, but I'll try to view one or all real soon. They look amusing.
Haven't seen any these television programs, but I'll try to view one or all real soon. They look amusing.
south park is WAY better!
Sooooooo true.................., but oh so funny
Up until The Cleveland show, this was an acceptable formula. Unfortunately, it seems that, with the launch of the Cleveland show, they've decided to make their other shows less funny so as to try to hide how spectacularly unfunny the Cleveland show is.
Only problem is, Seth is making millions of dollars and the person that made this, is some loser in his basement.
this is most funny to Seth, he laughs all the way to the bank.
huge family guy and american dad fan, but the cleveland show is absolutely terrible
oh also the family pet has the hots for the mom.
the cleveland show isn't his, so i was told. the guy who plays cleveland left family guy to start his own show. and i dont just mean in the cartoon.:)
And all three off those shows suck
I just want to know.... Is Seth gay?
Sound good, waiting. lol