Security guards in action

Thursday, February 11, 2010

It happened in Seattle:
The Metro Transit Police continue to investigate the beating of a 15-year-old girl late last month in the transit tunnel at Westlake Center.

Three security guards saw the Jan. 28 assault, part of which was filmed by surveillance cameras. But the guards aren't armed and are trained not to get involved in physical confrontations, according to the King County Sheriff's Office, which operates Metro Transit Police.
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3 comentarii:

Brant said...

Well, at least they aren't executing innocent 23 year olds like the BART cops do.

Anonymous said...

How can they just sit there? Not just the guards, but the people in general? Why doesn't anybody step in to separate them? You can get killed and nobody does shit

Anonymous said...

That's easy. Because people are generally sheep, bleating helplessly against what they see as rules. The citizens all see this violent thing going on, surrounded by three people who are obviously the ones who are supposed to be the authority figures. They look to these people to lead them, because they have no real morals of their own. The leaders have been trained not to intervene, and they are right in the middle of it all, so nobody else jumps in either. Not one person there had the heart to get involved, to step out of the herd and take a risk.

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