Attribute substitution

Monday, January 4, 2010

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2 comentarii:

Anonymous said...

This is dumb. I want atheists to give me empirical proof that God DOESN'T exist.

Aspirin said...

Who said that guy was atheist?

I expect most critical thinking people simply don't believe in story books that make wild and misleading claims (that, for some reason, people take literally - but only when it suits their lifestyle). This belief doesn't mean that there is no possibility in creationism being true. Thus why, in this webcomic, the protagonist is asking for empirical proof before believing in something instead of saying "there's no way a god could ever exist".

In inverse of his claim, you are asking for empirical evidence that a godlike deity does not exist. This could be seen as illogical for if you believe in God (with a capital G which usually refers to the Judeo-Christian deity) it would require you to not only believe in creationism but also that you know the fundamental history on the creation and nature of the universe and its creator. The possibility that you would know this information and it would be accurate is so small it might as well be nil.

Creationism is possible, just like any other possibility for the coming about of the universe, however to even think about a person, as part of the human race, knowing the nature and name of the creator of the universe is simply absurd.

In conclusion, you best be trollin'.

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